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  1. Lastmanstandin31

    #MarsHydro 2x4 tent, #SP3000, and Bordello clones.

    Dude. Always looking great. I might buy 2 or 10 of those lights.
  2. Lastmanstandin31

    Lockedin's 4x8 Fiasco

    Looking good brother.
  3. Lastmanstandin31

    Quantity of light

    Mine is 13 x 31. About to add another 31 foot to it lol.
  4. Lastmanstandin31

    Mars Hydro 4x4 FC-4800 from flip to chop The Final 4

    Why does that plant look like it will eat my plants?
  5. Lastmanstandin31

    REV Organic growth stimulant?

    Really not sure if I saw any difference to be honest. It did no harm rhough.
  6. Lastmanstandin31

    #MarsHydro 2x4 tent, #SP3000, and Bordello clones.

    Nice and clean in there.
  7. Lastmanstandin31

    New room

    Yes total sealed up tight now. If I did the math right it should last about 12 days. We will see.
  8. Lastmanstandin31

    New room

    Bet that's gonna be cheaper then 35.00 forn20 lb tank. I don't even know how long it will last so we are in the trial and error phase at the moment.
  9. Lastmanstandin31

    New room

    Tanked c02 We are in Florida so trying to avoid extra heat or humidity.
  10. Lastmanstandin31

    New room

    I've never used a controller or c02 for that matter so I'm not sure on the quality compared to other brands. I am disappointed that it's not a true c02 controller that can control the rate of c02 supplied. It can only turn on and off a regular that is set at a static setting. I'll have to use...
  11. Lastmanstandin31

    New room

    Adding this room controller and C02 system today. Will let you guys know how it works.
  12. Lastmanstandin31

    New room We have been working on our fields for the last week. We have two 7,000 gallon water tanks coming in about a week and irrigation is being installed. We are trying to get the field planted a little early to help deal with the upcoming rainy...
  13. Lastmanstandin31

    New room

    Same way in Michigan
  14. Lastmanstandin31

    New room

    29 degrees would kill me man. Sorry. I grew up in Michigan and I can never ever do cold again.
  15. Lastmanstandin31

    New room

    Yes, fortunately for me my grow is legal seeing its hemp. I had it spray foamed then put up sheets of white insulation over it. I hate the garage door honestly but feel like I may need to use it in the future so I'm going to try to use some rolls of door foam and see if that works. The panels...
  16. Lastmanstandin31

    New room

    Most of the plants in there are going to a different building and no the garage door is not sealed up yet. Also need to get the walk in door permanently installed. Still a little bit to do but getting there.
  17. Lastmanstandin31

    New room

    Well it's been a long time coming but finally getting our room done. 10 HLG 650R Diablos (2 more going up) 2 12k mini split units 1 80 cup dehumidifier 2 t8 exhaust fans 1 pulse pro 1 150 gallon per day RO set up We still have a c02 set up coming yet and a couple more fans yet but so far so...
  18. Lastmanstandin31

    New clone room

    I'm almost 50 and just started about 2 years ago. If you like it go for it.