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  1. _Outdoorsman_

    How do you do random sh!t

    You let him shit on the grass, its a dog. Pick it up if it bothers you,
  2. _Outdoorsman_

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    Joking your my brother from another mother, bet I got hit harder by a carpet van. I can cook too, should party sometime
  3. _Outdoorsman_

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    I am starting to mock you now...
  4. _Outdoorsman_

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    Hey man my shits legit... and pics for pics, cough up
  5. _Outdoorsman_

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    let's watch a real fight
  6. _Outdoorsman_

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

    Besides the English dictionary and 3 other languages, I taught my dog the words "summer sausage " Now I'm in trouble whenever i go for a slice.
  7. _Outdoorsman_

    Aunt Jemima

  8. _Outdoorsman_

    Aunt Jemima

    Hey I could pose as aunt Jemima if you need a showboat. Would look racist as fuck doing black face, just put a wig on me, spank my ass and tell me I'm pretty, we can go to the piggly wiggly for a corn dog.
  9. _Outdoorsman_


    Butt do you know the triple shakespere
  10. _Outdoorsman_

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Was that a question? Man up soldier, might need you to cover my 6... and not just in a sexual way...
  11. _Outdoorsman_

    What are you gonna spend your stimulus money on?

    I was just going to say hookers and blow, but fuck that. I'm a nice guy that can score hotties with a body
  12. _Outdoorsman_

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Who's got the red solo cups we're playing beer pong
  13. _Outdoorsman_

    What did you accomplish today?

    Yeah dead lifted those through the snow last night 100 yards or so
  14. _Outdoorsman_

    What did you accomplish today?

    We had two basements a mud room, 5 bedrooms, big ass yard that tied into the woods
  15. _Outdoorsman_

    What did you accomplish today?

    We used to climb on the roof from the snowpiles when the roof got shoveled, had to take the boat to the bus stop during the flood,.. the first one.. next one national guard cut off our road, dad hired someone to put the drain plugs in the basement should have asked me to sneek through the back...
  16. _Outdoorsman_

    What did you accomplish today?

    Wtf did you just do. Dont even want to play it but now that song is stuck in my head
  17. _Outdoorsman_

    Insomniacs Unite!!!!

    The local pet shop would pay 20 a pop for walking sticks, we had a bunch on the 19 acres of old growth hard wood forest i grew up on
  18. _Outdoorsman_

    Insomniacs Unite!!!!

    Meant to say damn. And fuck
  19. _Outdoorsman_

    Insomniacs Unite!!!!

    Anyone remember walking sticks and leaf bugs? Darn near pornographic. Darn pestos I reckon
  20. _Outdoorsman_

    Christmas Movies
