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  1. elpresidente

    Obama to Legalize Marijuana

    CALL [removed] to vote to legalize marijuana and help save our economy! we need 1 million votes by tomorrow for it to be proposed!!
  2. elpresidente

    1 month flowering first grow Skunk#1 Pics

    yo maybe get rid of that pic with the license plate in it for safety reason!!!!!
  3. elpresidente

    This is what I got for $26,500 after tax and shipping.

    For 26 grand it seems like you should have gotten more stuff, huh?
  4. elpresidente

    Anyone else on probation

    I am an avid toker for the last 15 years, but i got into some trouble and recieved 3 years probation. When it first started i made it like 2 months without smoking, then my buddy had some purp and of course i partaked. The next time was nearly a year later and i just got fed up and smoke a jay...
  5. elpresidente

    will a hps work for vegetating?

    Hell yeah i used one for mine and had no problems, plants were thick and sturdy and plenty of shoots.
  6. elpresidente

    HELP! freshly cut clones drooping!

    Dont worry that is totally normal, thay will be perked up by tomorrow!!!!!!
  7. elpresidente

    Need advice had lighting problem

    I know this is totally stupid, but i have a large flower room with two lights on two diffrent timers, one of the timers stayed on 24 hours, and now i need to figure out what to do, do i just let them run on normal 12 and 12 even though that will make the day in question a total of 36 hours, or...
  8. elpresidente

    Starting third Week of flowering

    looks good im into like week four and feeling like mine is taking a while to turn,