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  1. DDub

    Nirvana helped me out...

    I totally understand your thought process on that, however their website explicitly outlines their policy on this scenario and I never expected them to defer from that. Thanks
  2. DDub

    Nirvana helped me out...

    Long Story short my shipment got pinched or lost, I’ve ordered from Nirvana years back multiple times and never had any issues. I didn’t even ask for the replacement and I didn’t complain to them or anything. Just informed them of my situation. I know a lot of people are hard on them and they...
  3. DDub

    LED vs Air Cooled for BTU’s

    You raise a very good point and I haven’t tried to calculate remaining heat at all from the current HID’s nor do I know an equation to do so. Also now that I think about it, it’s important I mention these are only 6” ducted air hoods not 8”, a long span to cover this length of run, all 1...
  4. DDub

    LED vs Air Cooled for BTU’s

    So I have older air cooled hoods with glass and push a lot of air through them to cool them down. 5600 watts in total 2-1000’s and 6-600’s, all air cooled. I’m looking to moving to 5,550 watts of Full Spectrum Bar style LED Gavita/ ThinkGrow/ GrowersChoice/etc style lights. NOT the blurple...
  5. DDub

    Canna Coco Brick Questions...

    I asked this question party due to Canna’s claims about the bricks being cleaned and buffered from the start. Going solely off Canna’s own instructions all that’s required is “clean water” and warm water to speed the process. I was hoping some folks with personal experience could vouch for that...
  6. DDub

    Canna Coco Brick Questions...

    So I’ve always used loose Canna in the bags. That’s not an option for me as I’d have to drive 5 hours round trip for it now. So I must use the Canna bricks. What is everyone’s method for prepping it and getting it loose? I’m on the first round back after a long stint away and the last problem I...
  7. DDub

    show and tell about your automated drip/sprayer systems

    Very solid info from everyone. I did get the Phantom kits and probably going to get at least one more. Running a test tonight to see what one of the 315's does in a 4x4 with a simple desktop fan sitting on the floor in the corner running on high aimed upwards and the upper lips of tent zipper...
  8. DDub

    New House, New Grow! Suggestions?

    I hope that little Dehuey isn't all you got! I'm sure it isn't though as it seems you have a good handle on it all. Quest 105 Dual would work great although you'll probably need 2-3...
  9. DDub

    CO2 burner with grow tent setup advice

    Why have the tent at all? Just turn said room into the environment if possible. I've never used a burner, only tanks and solenoids. Sentinel master controller is what I have. Into the CO2 outlet on controller is a timer that doesn't allow the solenoid to activate until 45 min in to 12/12 and...
  10. DDub

    show and tell about your automated drip/sprayer systems

    I've seen you on a ton of LED and CDL (CMH) threads and I have an off-topic random type of question you may have some valuable input on. What are your thoughts on a half CDL/ half COB 3590 lighting setup? I've been devoting many hours of research into the idea. My own first two CDL 315's just...
  11. DDub

    Mini split questions?

    If you attempt to build an enclosure for the condenser of a minisplit and exhaust the heat created you must be very careful. That could potentially cause you big problems. Not only could it restrict the actual cooling abilities of the unit, you could potentially fry the condenser all together...
  12. DDub

    show and tell about your automated drip/sprayer systems

    Wow, I've seen all I need to on this Tupur to know I must give it a try in the future. If I didn't already have a set variable for this next run, that would be it!
  13. DDub

    11' X 13' CMH/LED Lighting Questions

    Nah I've never run the allstart 860 myself but I have a buddy who use to swear by them, religiously. Mainly for extract production in comparison to standard HPS. He runs multiple warehouses in CA, 1 of which is geared only for extract productions. From what he said they saw 5-8% increases from...
  14. DDub

    Is the fan big enough?

    That stretch of ducting is a decent amount, had you said 5-6' I would've said it could be enough. But my mind tells me 440 isn't enough in this case. It's always better to have more CFM than less and use a variable speed controller if necessary. If it were me I'd go with 600-700 CFM at a...
  15. DDub

    LED strips for indoor grow?

    From the # of plants your friend wants to do these LEDs and/or CFL's will not achieve the kind of results you're looking for. 10 plants is a good amount. They should be under 1k of light or more depending on size. These LED's and or CFL's would be better suited for supplemental side lighting.
  16. DDub

    Noob lots of learning... 10x12 grow room can you advise?

    HPS will be your best lighting option based on that budget. If you can only run 4 girls as of right now that's fine. Restrict your area to 4 X 8 or 5 X 10, a cheap tent on eBay would do perfect for that. Before attempting fog or aero you should run a soil crop or two indoors to get acquainted...
  17. DDub

    Fan set up...Please Help! Wrote this in 09' but it's perfect for your issue.
  18. DDub

    Is the fan big enough?

    Is the fan mounted directly to hood? How long is the ducting attached?
  19. DDub

    LED strips for indoor grow?

    They'll work but not very good. They must remain ultra close to the plants and will not penetrate very far at all. Decent for a cabinet but not much else. You'll also need strong airflow in between them and the plants.
  20. DDub

    Noob lots of learning... 10x12 grow room can you advise?

    Ok so answer these and I'll help you as much as I can. -How big of plants do you want to grow? -How many plants? -Why are you limiting yourself to Fog/Aero? -What kind of total budget do you have? -How much material are you looking to produce? (This is completely related to # and size of...