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  1. Downsouth420

    18/6 or 20/4

    Fox farm came out with a cal-mag for there soil been working great for me
  2. Downsouth420

    18/6 or 20/4

    Damn. Well that’s what I’m using plus the kelp Me kelp you and the cal mag, some shit called fish shit and A little Supertrive I’m only doing a half serving to 3/4 tho.
  3. Downsouth420

    18/6 or 20/4

    TBH that will come on what are you feeding it. I’ve got some clones going right now that look thicker and beautiful even more then the mom they came off of. All depends on the tlc your showing her
  4. Downsouth420

    18/6 or 20/4

    IMO 18/6 give you plants a little time to rest and Let some photosynthesis to take place but like I said that my opinion. Hope that helps good luck and happy growing
  5. Downsouth420


    Just a little update! Looks like these girls had a good thanksgiving that’s because I just cleaned them up and feed a little water doesn’t even look like I touched them
  6. Downsouth420

    If the clone will make it or not ‍♂️

    Yea they should make it one things I do is cut the tips of the leaves but if there already rooted then just give them a few days maybe a week they should brighten up.
  7. Downsouth420

    How often should i water/feed?

    You can but I’d give it another week or so if you do go head just like my man said do a very little serving of it I went heavy the first time as well and I got a little burn and a lock out at one point
  8. Downsouth420

    Is this nute burn or something else?

    Those are just dying out you might have a little bit burn and maybe a little over watering cut them down if you haven’t already as as for feeding good rule of thumb is 1/2 to 3/4
  9. Downsouth420

    Is this nute burn or something else?

    What part of the plant are those from?
  10. Downsouth420

    Time to pull?

    Looks done how many wells into flower are they.
  11. Downsouth420


    So I’m just getting on to give a little update on a couple clones here are a couple before and after pics of them getting cleaned up and a little LST
  12. Downsouth420

    Harvest time

    See o was going to wait till the first but tri colors are looking decently cloudy I’ll check them when they wake and see how they look then
  13. Downsouth420

    Harvest time

    lol I know that. I’ve just seen a few people do that they say it helpS suck up the last few nuts it’s going get that’s y I ask.
  14. Downsouth420

    Harvest time

    So I have a few plants that are just about ready to harvest I want to see has any body ever let them sleep for 48 hrs before chopping them down?
  15. Downsouth420

    Why after drying, buds so fluffy?

    I had a couple ladies I had to pull early and they look a little like that maybe not as fluffy but IMO you cut that down a little to early.
  16. Downsouth420

    What is the Diagnosis? Mildew? Nute Burn? Both?

    Lay off the nuts and and as stated above ur medium might be a little to wet. you can pluck them off and everything should be fine.
  17. Downsouth420

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Any thoughts I think by dec 1 all should be ready
  18. Downsouth420

    Something weird happened

    Yup sure is if it survived like that she wants life. She probably sucked up what water was left in the soil
  19. Downsouth420

    Stretched seedlings.

    yea diets good for out doors not pots if u can get some FFOF or even any organic soil Way better off and if u transplant it right it shouldMy slow down much to none at all