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  1. J

    RSO Experience. Advice needed.

    I made some RSO for the first time and I would appreciate any comments/advice on what I experienced using this. This is my first attempt at making RSO and I think I burned it during the process thus destroying some of its medicinal properties. I ended up with about 5 grams of RSO and decided to...
  2. J

    RSO advice needed.

    I have a few questions regarding the making of RSO. Is it necessary to dry buds before making RSO or can fresh buds be used? Given that I don’t intend to smoke any of this, is there an optimum time to soak the buds in solvent? I’ve read that soaking buds too long increases the amount of...
  3. J

    First Time Grower’s Experience and Observations

    First up, this is not a blow by blow grow journal but more how I went about certain things and my experiences throughout the grow. Decide what you hope to achieve. Smoke, High, Pain relief, medicinal etc Research and select the strain you think will achieve this. High Indica, sativa or both etc...
  4. J

    Cannabis Oil Extraction Question

    I'm doing an extraction for the first time and I have a question regarding the process. After I've soaked the buds in alcohol how long will this alcohol solution keep before I need to distill it to evaporate the alcohol? Thanks.
  5. J

    Cannabis Salve Question

    Hi Everyone, I intend to make some cannabis salve/cream using RSO mixed with coconut oil, olive oil etc. Is it possible to make this salve too strong? Does it get to a point where adding more RSO is just an overkill without any real benefit.
  6. J

    Advice need with this plant

    First grow, Do I need to do anything with this plant? It's 7 weeks into 12/12 Thank you.
  7. J

    Schwazzing advice needed

    Hi everyone, First ever grow and have had a crack at schwazzing. I've had a few problems with grow along the way but managed to survive . I'm a bit wary of removing too many leaves and stuffing the whole show up. I've removed a few leaves along the way and I've just done my biggest removal yet...
  8. J

    Mainlining advice needed with this plant

    Hi Everyone, I need some advice regarding mainlining this plant. It's my first ever grow and a number of people on this side have been extremely helpful. However, I'm struggling with where to top the plant. I've read heaps here about it but I think I made a mistake when I first topped it. I...
  9. J

    Will this plant survive?

    Hi Everyone, First grow and having some problems. Plant grew from seed and everything looked normal and going well. Then the plant started stretching, which I attributed from being too far from the light source. (Single 20w CFL light). For some reason I decided to lightly mist the plant. The...
  10. J

    Advice needed with Main-lining

    Hi Everyone, Old fart about to commence first grow. I’ve decided to have a crack at main-lining and I have a few questions regarding transplanting. I’ll be growing one plant, Kosher Kush, in a 80cm x 80cm x 180 cm tent. Mars Hydro TS 1000 led grow light. I’ve read that to prevent, or lessen the...
  11. J

    First Grow Advice Needed

    Hi Everyone, This being my first post, a little introduction is probably in order. I’m an old fart who has never smoked, touched or even seen cannabis. (apart from online) let alone grow it. However, my intention is to grow plants for making oil and crème for medicinal purposes. Mainly insomnia...