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  1. S

    ripped stem (pic)

    The ripping the base of the plant seems to be due to the stem thickening. It's normal and wouldn't worry. A fan blowing on one plant more than on others can lead to this plant tearing faster as the swaying speeds the process!
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    roll it up sucks

    Maybe there are so many question re-treads due to the non-working search facility? RIU is a good site with excellent info and some good informative members. The problem every forum has is that a far higher percentage of twats join than helpful people because there is a very high twat rate in...
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    Autoflowering Lowlife AK-47. Day 14

    Whether it's on forums or just in a bush outside your ex's, you can't beat a bit of lurking. Interesting journals from you guys (I've been keeping an eye on both for a while by the way..). Thanks for the positives, lets just hope it doesn't all go tits up...
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    Autoflowering Lowlife AK-47. Day 14

    Hello porky peeps. I’ve been a visitor to RIU for quite a while now. Mostly I’ve been trawling around and gleaning info from these pages to help with my growing projects. I’m now on day 14 of my third grow with a new set up, new seeds and a bit more confidence. And as a result I have decided to...
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    Go purple or go home

    Any respect that I could have had for Masterofgenetics was lost when he tried to derail another chaps grow journal and then cried to mods when said chap flamed him in his. The way I see it your fair game for hassle.
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    co2 question

    Its really only necessary during flowering. Using it during the veg stage will give the plant a boost but could cause your herb to outgrow your grow space. Its ace for fattening buds up during flowering however..
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    Free Tricks To Increase Yields.

    Couldn't resist. Whats worse is that I'm still chuckling 20 minutes later about a post that I made up. Interesting thread by the way.
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    Free Tricks To Increase Yields.

    I discovered a little trick purely by accident a couple of years ago that really does seem to work wonders. It's actually possible to worry or scare your plants into vigorous THC production. Not sure if it will work with all strains, taller growing plants may actually suffer slight negative...
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    Feeding in coco with w.can..

    Out of interest, what do you call a watering can in the states? The UK's pretty cool I suppose but if you were to come all this way Silky you've got to get to Amsterdam. I went for a long weekend in December. Spent 4 days smoking Northern Lights and Crystal and walking round museums. Our lass...
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    Feeding in coco with w.can..

    Wow, thats some brilliant info. I was feeling a bit anxious cause' I'm new to coco but not anymore, doesn't sound too different to the Pot Ponics (Rock Wool). LOL at watering can! I take it your none of you are from the UK? My watering can is plastic but that's what we call them in the north! If...
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    Feeding in coco with w.can..

    Thanks for the reply cookin.. Thats what I'd hoped for but you're post has made me think of a couple of more questions.. The Canna charts work by giving the amount of nutes per 10L. I can make this amount and keep it in a drum and dip my can in the drum daily but will the feed spoil if left in...
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    Boneman's AK47/PPP Hempy side by side

    Thanks for the reply cookin.. Thats what I'd hoped for but you're post has made me think of a couple of more questions.. The Canna charts work by giving the amount of nutes per 10L. I can make this amount and keep it in a drum and dip my can in the drum daily but will the feed spoil if left in...
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    Feeding in coco with w.can..

    Hey up everybody.. About to start my third grow and this time its a few cheeky autoflowing white russians. Ive succesfully grown in rockwool and then soil but have decided to invest in some Canna coco and feeds for this one. I have the pre buffered pro coco and all nutes except the boost. I've...