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  1. M

    I have all the bud hanging and have whiteflies in the dry tents

    I had white flies through my whole grow. I thought I had them killed off. I was spraying with Dr Zymes. Once I harvested I did a bud wash which I never ever do. I never believed in bud washing until this. I have white flies in my dry tents. It’s a big harvest too. I’m half way through the...
  2. M

    I have bugs in my dry tents.

    Goddamned! I have battled white flies for a who grow. I thought I had them killed and and now they are in my dry tents with bud trying to I dry. I never wash my bud but I did before I hung it just because. How do I get white flies out of bud that’s drying? I do not wanna lose this crop. It’s a...
  3. M

    Clones and space needed

    I have a grip of clones and my 4x4 is full, plus I just switched over to the 12/12 to induce flowering. I put my clones outside for 1 night because I don’t know where I’m gonna put them. I’ll figure it out but will clones turn to flower when I just leave them outside in the regular day light ...
  4. M

    The droop that won’t quit!

    I have a northern lights auto that has been doing outstanding until 5 or 6 days ago. I had just watered it and gave it about a half a gallon of water. I only water every 3 or 4 days. I noticed the plant was dropping around midnight. I have the plant on 18/6. I decided not to water for around...
  5. M

    LED glow after switched off.

    Im a rookie grower. I have a new LED light. I switched it off last night and returned to turn it on this morning and noticed that there was a slight glow all night and my plant didn’t get complete dark last night. Will this cause my plant to suffer? My other LEDs didn’t do this. My timer...
  6. M

    Second Grow need to adjust PH levels.

    What’s going on everyone? I’m on my second organic grow. Can someone tell me how to lower my PH? Honestly I never check the PH of my last grow. Not 1 time. I smoked the harvest of my last grow and I was faded for like 6 hours. I’ve been reading, watching videos, asking questions and I’m...
  7. M

    First Time Grower

    I’m a first time grower and I have lots of questions. I generally read up and find my answers. My question is I have 2 35 watt LEDs. I have two plants outdoors and 1 indoors. I wanted to see what would work best for me. I started the two outdoors in March and the one indoors 3 weeks ago...
  8. M

    My First Grow and I’ve totally messed up my plants. Help

    I grew an auto flower and completely burnt it up. The top half of the plant died and I cut it off and the other parts of the plant are flowering. I planted another female seed that isn’t auto flower. It looks healthy but short. It’s also flowering. I grew them outdoors for most of summer and...