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  1. Vikky_Chips

    Reusing soil

    Hmm, I did use nutes then flushed near the end before I cultivated...
  2. Vikky_Chips

    Reusing soil

    Hi y'all, Last year I successfully grew 5 plants in 10 litre cloth pots with organic, premium soil. After harvesting and taking the main roots out of the pots, there was left all the small and fibrous roots throughout the soil. My question is could I plant my new clones into this soil if I...
  3. Vikky_Chips

    Do these dried buds look weird?

    I did see bud rot like that on a couple buds, but the majority don't have it. Does that mean the entire plant has been compromised if one or two buds had rot?
  4. Vikky_Chips

    Do these dried buds look weird?

    What's the tell for mold? There isn't any powdered mildew that I can see..
  5. Vikky_Chips

    Do these dried buds look weird?

    I waited a bit longer than I probably should have to harvest this year. Grew outdoor in planters. This is my second year of growing... The photos are the buds after they have been dried. Do they look off/old to you guys? The hairs and flowers look dull to me. Still safe to smoke, you think?
  6. Vikky_Chips


    Hey y'all, Can someone identify if this is mildew/mold? This is an outdoor plant with plenty of ventilation. This happened last year when I grew and I assumed that it was powdery mildew, but maybe it's THC crystals? It's only on the leaves with crystals and not occuring on any fan leaves...
  7. Vikky_Chips

    Getting some yellow leaves on all my plants

    So how much molasses do I dilute into water? How often do you use the molasses?
  8. Vikky_Chips

    Getting some yellow leaves on all my plants

    Thanks for that, are you growing yours in containers with the organic soil or in the ground? I used organic soil specific for cannabis this year and I wonder if I should have just let them grow without the nutes..
  9. Vikky_Chips

    Getting some yellow leaves on all my plants

    Oh interesting, I've never seen molasses used. Here's what I'm using for the flower stage:
  10. Vikky_Chips

    Getting some yellow leaves on all my plants

    Thanks, I was doing that early on but got lazy. Is it too late to trim back the small bottom branches at this point? I'm concerned about stressing the plants now that they are starting to flower.
  11. Vikky_Chips

    Getting some yellow leaves on all my plants

    Thanks that makes sense. Should I start trimming some of the bigger, still green, leaves at this point or would that cause too much stress to the plant?
  12. Vikky_Chips

    Getting some yellow leaves on all my plants

    Hi y'all, Noticing that I'm getting quite a lot of yellow leaves on all 4 of my plants. My God Bud doesn't seem to be affected for some reason however. They have just started flowering so I switched to the flower A and B fertilizer, however this was starting to happen when they were not...
  13. Vikky_Chips

    pruning JillyBean

    Thanks! It's a 5 gallon and I'm switching to 10. I've topped her twice so far...
  14. Vikky_Chips

    too late to re-pot?

    I'm in Toronto, so about 15 hours of sun.
  15. Vikky_Chips

    too late to re-pot?

    Thanks, I think I'll give it a try
  16. Vikky_Chips

    pruning JillyBean

    Helloooo, I'm growing JillyBean for the first time, and boy is she bushy! Wondering if I should be pruning at this stage more? I got her as a clone and she's been growing for 2.5 months.
  17. Vikky_Chips

    too late to re-pot?

    Hey y'all, This is my second growing season and I switched to the cloth pots which seem to be the way to go. l've realized that I should have planted my clones in bigger sized pots however. The ones I have are 5 or 8 gallon, and I'm thinking of switching them to 10 gallon. The plants have...
  18. Vikky_Chips

    First time drying and curing

    Hi all! So I'm on day four of drying. Plants are nicely spaced out on a line hanging in a dark room with an indirect, light breeze coming from a floor fan. I removed the large fan leaves and trimmed the other larger leaves, leaving the sweet leaves. Humidity in the room is around 45-47...
  19. Vikky_Chips

    When to harvest??

    outdoor, in separate pots with drainage holes in good soil with bat guano, etc. Watering every day usually (my deck gets full blast of sun from 8am to 5pm), every other day i throw in the nutes (AB flower mixture from Trip Tonic, 5mL per litre, 3.5 litres for all 4 plants does the trick)...
  20. Vikky_Chips

    When to harvest??

    Well, my other concern is that the big leaves are turning yellow pretty quickly. I thought this would be a sign of harvest time as well, but maybe it's a nitrogen deficiency?