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  1. U

    My plants dissapeared from pots

    I don t think there are any critters because the pots are at the 5th floor and here are a lot of bats, but the second scenario can be possible but usually no one goes upthere. I think the wind could be to blame for because it really was very powerful and some of the soil dissapeared.
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    My plants dissapeared from pots

    Hello everyone, this morning when i went up on the roof of my building where i put my pots i find them without my little plants. I think the wind from last night broke them from roots. I want to mention that the plants were small and did not have well-formed roots. Now i want to plant New ones...
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    Broken roots! HELP!

    Thank you for your advice. I thought on the same principle when i put it into just water. Now i will try to find something similar to the rock wool în my house. Do you suggest to put it in a full dark place or still use a little bit of light? I know my questions are stupid but i am really...
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    Broken roots! HELP!

    The seedling was in regular soil. When i tried to transplant into a bigger pot i made a mistake and the stem just broke. I left it in the soil for 2 days thinking that the roots will regenerate but that didn t happen. Today, i put it into water having a last attempt to save the plant and i cut...
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    Broken roots! HELP!

    Hello friends, just 2 weeks ago i bought 2 seeds to start my first experience with marijuana plants. Four days ago when i tried to transfer my plants from the seedling pot to the main pots one of my little plants just broke above the roots. Today i seen that the first leaves just turn into a...