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    Welcome New Members!

    :wall:IDK WTF!!:wall::CUSS:
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    Welcome New Members!

    hey why can't i upload anything like avatars and pictures!! Everything i try to upload alway's say's that it failed! And i follow the upload size, but it still say's the same ol' thing.. Could someone help me with this!? thanks!
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    First time harvest... HELP!

    thanks for the great info guys! much appreciated Tdent420
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    its almost harvest. do i have this right?

    i read in a book that sweating it up in a bag to draw out the moisture removes most of the aromas and flavors..has anyone noticed this?
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    guess where im from

    cool, welcome to the club!
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    Hiding a grow room from parents PLZ HELP

    your better off growing outdoors somewhere then you can grow bigger and don't have to worry about your step dad smelling anything.
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    First time harvest... HELP!

    hey i was wondering because i live in the desert and there is barely any humidity here, how long do you think i would have to air dry my buds for? until the branches snap, then do i put in jars for curing?? i need help!
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    A must Read!!! Bye bye Carbon Filter Save your Money!!!

    what about using a ionizer air purifier & carbon air filter combination?? wouldn't that work pretty well?
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    Welcome New Members!

    it will stay in the vegg stage until the lighting changes to 12/12 then it triggers the plant to go into flowering. also if you want to get it to grow abit more during the veggie stage, try repotting into something bigger.
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    24 ounces with 24 big buds?

    you can probably fit 6 nice size plants in there, depends how big you pot them. and they will grow nice under your 1000w
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    what type are you using now? florecents are a cheaper way to supply lighting if you are low on funds, untill you can get a mh. keep in mind these are if you want to do indoor culitivation rather than outdoor sunlight.
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    veg to 3 ft...

    i topped my plant's (indica's) @ 3' when they were in vegg, then when i put them on 12/12 they stretched and now they are at 4.5' and still growing! that's using a 400 hps.
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    400w hps

    if you are going to use the 400watt, i would try to grow some indica's and then top them off later that might help the height issue alittle, but then they will get very bushy later
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    Time to plant seeds!

    it really doesn't matter what time of day you germ the seeds..they will be fine, when germinating make sure they are in a cool dark area.
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    celery stick looking stem

    what are the measurements on that plant? how tall? how thick?