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  1. W

    Hey, I was looking to see if you were willing to send me a safeorscam referral code, I have...

    Hey, I was looking to see if you were willing to send me a safeorscam referral code, I have demonoid or tvtorrents invites, or could offer something else to trade you if you would like. Thanks.
  2. W

    bad root root?

    I'm a pretty new grower so take what I say with a grain of salt... It doesn't look like root rot to me. Are the roots brown and brittle? If not, and there's just a dark slime, my guess is it's algae growth. I have a similar problem, check out my thread...
  3. W

    Algae Problem in DWC?

    I have a DWC setup under a 600 watt hps in a 68 liter rubbermaid. It isn't lightproof, but up until now my roots have been looking white and healthy for the past couple of weeks. A day or two ago I topped my res and upped the nutrient level to about 1000 ppm. Today I checked the roots and...
  4. W

    Leaves 'rusting', nute burn?

    Nope I don't foilar feed, I do however spray it with plain water a few times a day to help keep temps down. Baking soda is basic and will bring the pH up... I'm just not sure if it's safe to use in my res, it might even make the lockout worse. Thanks for the link.
  5. W

    Leaves 'rusting', nute burn?

    Well shit... I have pH down but not pH up. After mixing the nutes with tapwater, the pH seems to be down in the high 4's or low 5's depending upon the ppm. Should I try to correct with baking soda or just wait and get some pH up or what?
  6. W

    Leaves 'rusting', nute burn?

    Could the problem be that my pH is too low? I just now checked and it's around 5.2, although my meter is pretty shitty... but even if the meter is off by +- 1.0, the pH can't be too high. Thanks for the reply.
  7. W

    Leaves 'rusting', nute burn?

    I recently pruned this mother plant for cuttings and upped the ppm to around 900 of GH Floranova Grow. It is in a DWC hydro setup. Growth looks pretty good, but leaves appear to be rusting - that is, there are brownish/orange spots scattered across about half the leaves. Anyone know what the...
  8. W

    Seedlings shriveled and yellowing, please help

    I let the rockwool get completely dry before watering again and all that happened was that they are leaning over, even more wilted.
  9. W

    Seedlings shriveled and yellowing, please help

    I got some seeds in last Thursday (one week ago) and started germination in a paper towel. I put them in rockwool cubes that I presoaked (I don't have a ph meter nor ph up/down, so I added a bit of vinegar to the presoak). They popped out looking good after a couple of days. Approximately two...