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  1. J

    2nd grow. Hermaphroditing??

    Heres the pictures
  2. J

    2nd grow. Hermaphroditing??

    Is there anything you can tell me about these? Im currently vegging Dosidos & Lava Cake. They're under LST under a 600w LED. Im curious if you can tell if they'll herm in veg prior to ever budding?
  3. J

    2nd grow. Hermaphroditing??

    Thankyou Renfo.. I appreciate you tremendously. Im throwing away all 10 that I have & im going to start new. Which sites do you prefer getting feminized seeds from??
  4. J

    2nd grow. Hermaphroditing??

    So you're saying.. basically.. these are all garbage & will produce seed pockets w the nugs. There is no way to save them?
  5. J

    2nd grow. Hermaphroditing??

    Its a female... 2nd batch of clones. must be stressing out some how one way or another..
  6. J

    2nd grow. Hermaphroditing??

    This is my second grow. I think im a little to late & may have to pull these. I don't really do pruning of any sort to the plants before transferring into bloom. Can anybody help me identify this?
  7. J

    Calcium, Magnesium or potassium? Please help ❤

    I can always get more fans or mount them on the walls. I should toss these lights & replace them with some HPS/LED. What LEDs would you recommend? I have decent 2m reflection/black plastic up it does quite well I think. I just want some good quality nugs
  8. J

    Calcium, Magnesium or potassium? Please help ❤

    So these together arent even anything close to 1, 1000w? My rooms is 36sq ft seeing as its only 6x6, And the lights are roughly 18 inches away from the plants. What would you recommend, t5s?
  9. J

    Calcium, Magnesium or potassium? Please help ❤

    1 stain is an autoflower, Pakistani Ryder. But its doing great. & all the rest are all DeathStar. Im running 1000w griixer lights.
  10. J

    Calcium, Magnesium or potassium? Please help ❤

    Is there any way you can message me? This is what im seeing on one of my plants.
  11. J

    Calcium, Magnesium or potassium? Please help ❤

    Check the two images posted prior to my last comments. You'll see the redish on the nodes
  12. J

    Calcium, Magnesium or potassium? Please help ❤

    This is what the rest look like so far for my first grow. Im just curious at to why some of my nodes the growths are turning redish?
  13. J

    Calcium, Magnesium or potassium? Please help ❤

    My pHs are all currently between 6.4 & 6.7. This is whats currently going on atm. I boosted the calmag just a tad & it seems to reduce the spots on the rest of the leafs. Its been roughly two weeks and today I just noticed this. Can anyone give any feedback? Just one of my plants seem to be...
  14. J

    Calcium, Magnesium or potassium? Please help ❤

    My root zones are all roughly in the 6 range with 1 plant @ 6.8. I fed nutes last feed, so I was just going to water this time with some CaMg possibly to give it what they're asking for. What do you recommend this time?
  15. J

    Calcium, Magnesium or potassium? Please help ❤

    Should I break down the Garden Lite & dissolve it into the water so the roots can absorb it? Or should I just feed with water + CaMg since i fed nutrients last feed.
  16. J

    Calcium, Magnesium or potassium? Please help ❤

    Can i break it down and disolve it into the water before feeding?
  17. J

    Calcium, Magnesium or potassium? Please help ❤

    Im not able to read exactly what the water runoffs are. & my tool to measure my feed pH is broken. Thankfully my soil tester still works & i recalibrated it. I don't have the right tool for runoff but all of my pHs have been steady 6's to the max of 6.8.
  18. J

    Calcium, Magnesium or potassium? Please help ❤

    Whats the best way? I've heard a lot about on & off with the nutrients during blooming. Should I add some of this Garden Lime ontop of the dirt and just water with my CaMg+ to boost the intake this time? Im unsure about the mixtures or how much to use tbh per plant. I have to get more pH+&- to...
  19. J

    Calcium, Magnesium or potassium? Please help ❤

    I've been feeding about every 4/5 days. 5g pots, Roughly 10 gallons of water mixed with the general Organics Go Box. The room temp varies between 67 when lights are off, max 80 w an average mostly at 76 because of my fan. With low humidity.