Search results

  1. Canoe Head

    Strains outdoor at northern latitude with flavoursome terpene profiles?

    My buddy finished these at 53N last year. Finished in late September... pretty amazing for a sativa. Beautiful 8ft sativa spears smelling of forest fruits, lime and pine/cedar. beautiful pink pistols too. Picked up 2 packs for myself for next year...
  2. Canoe Head

    mountain gold BY GREEN MOUNTAIN SEEDS

    The thing is even at a certain latitude environments and climates can be much different. I don't really know much about where you are growing and how long the season is. I would err on the side of some shorter flowering varieties until you get a handle on when you think the bad weather will...
  3. Canoe Head

    mountain gold BY GREEN MOUNTAIN SEEDS

    1 Degree of latitude is only 69 miles. You should be fine! I would go with the Purple Satellite anyways for the earlier finish, but that's just me.
  4. Canoe Head

    Green Mountain Seeds

    Well I ended up starting 7 seeds of Zacatecas Tribute (Big Sur Holly Weed x 79' Oaxacan). The plants are doing ok. I have been a bit neglectful of them I am not going to lie. But they are starting to show some pre flowers and I will be taking clones soon. They have beautiful purple stems that...
  5. Canoe Head

    Sativa landrace

    What month do you usually get frost in your area?
  6. Canoe Head

    Sativa landrace

    Yup I picked up a few packs of purple satellite this to play around with at 55N. I have a friend who managed to finish them last year here so I thought I would givem a try.
  7. Canoe Head

    Sativa landrace

    Look for landraces that have adapted to high altitude. Nepalese, North Indian, (Ecuador?) ect. There are most definitely "sativas" that you can grow outside in temperate climates. But don't try to take a tropical sativa and grow it in somewhere where it frosts in October. A temperate climate...
  8. Canoe Head

    AK Bean Brains

    If anyone has any experience with the BOEL Oaxaca x Dwarf Oaxaca, I would love to hear it. I love Mexican strains and am picking some of these up... probably gonna make them smush with Vermontmans Zacatecas Tribute (Big Sur Holly Weed x 79 Oaxacan). Any info on stature, high, smells, ect would...
  9. Canoe Head

    Your latest seed purchase?

    What do you mean? I had always heard good things about ACEs PCK?
  10. Canoe Head

    Mass Medical Seeds

    Sorry for derailing the thread... I ended up getting curious about plant patents and licensing. Turns out you are right - there is a process to get Plant Breeders Rights (PBR) in Canada at least. Which is different than a patent which I think would only apply to cuttings. Two things I see as...
  11. Canoe Head

    Mass Medical Seeds

    Sorry, I'm relatively new to the cannabis scene and don't really know the history of what is going on between MMS and other people. But I know in regards to plant patent law, a plant has to be unable to propagate itself sexually to be able to be patented... like a new type of seedless grape or...
  12. Canoe Head

    Mass Medical Seeds

    I'm confused. Not trying to be snarky or anything but is it actually a thing that breeders expect people to get their permission before someone phenohunts a pack or two of their gear with the intention of chucking some pollen? This industry is weird sometimes.
  13. Canoe Head

    Your latest seed purchase?

    Zacateca's Tribute (Green Mountain Seeds) (Big Sur Holly Weed x 79Skull Oaxacan)
  14. Canoe Head


    Please dont use medical advice garnered off youtube...
  15. Canoe Head

    recommendations for a dry herb vape

    My Enano has been amazing to me. 3 year warranty and made in NA. I have had mine on basically non stop for 5 years and it has never failed me. Easily adaptable for glass as well.
  16. Canoe Head

    Indica or sativa?

    Some more "sativa" autos will show broad leaves in the first few sets then thin out as they get older.
  17. Canoe Head

    ACE Auto MalawixNL and Zamaldelica Auto

    Nice one Nutty! What kind of nose were you getting off of her? 7 ounces is very impressive... I didnt bother to weigh mine but I would guess about 3-4. Throw one out next year for sure they are hardy plants. Like I say I didn't exactly baby them and I was happy with the result. I can't comment...
  18. Canoe Head

    ACE Auto MalawixNL and Zamaldelica Auto

    Hey just thought I would post a few pics and my thoughts of my ACE autos I grew at 55N this past summer outdoors. Here they are a week or 2 being transplanted outside into 5g filled with castings, perlite, vermiculite, promix HP, some mycos, some of my own compost a bit of Gaia Green 4-4-4...
  19. Canoe Head

    Owl Pellets

    Nice thanks for the pic. It looks vigorous. There are still a few packs left at SeedBaazar if you want to scoop one.
  20. Canoe Head

    Owl Pellets

    Hey everyone! I just scooped a pack of Night Owl - Owl Pellets from Daz's recent drop. Anyone grown these? They are a fem mixed pack (10+). Seemed like a good way to try out Daz's work... the named packs have only 3 seeds which is getting a little extravagant for me right now. I looked around...