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  1. U

    Do you wait until calyx's are the size of seed "bract's"

    No he is right, bract is the correct term for what everyone names "calyx". Much like stigma is the correct term for whats are known as "pistils".
  2. U

    Fan leaves are turning yellow then brown

    In my opinion its not a deficiency caused by feed/soil, as you are growing in a nutrient containing soil, plus the feed on top. That to me suggests and looks more like lockout, as the lower fans are being drawn from to create new growth agreed with trambles. Has new growth / flowering stunted...
  3. U

    Fan leaves are turning yellow then brown

    You can gently dig down to check some roots, as its already in flower may stress it out if you pull the whole plant up, they should be white (ish) some nutrients and soil may discolor them slightly so dont be alarmed if they are a little off-white! Rot is fairly obvious usually. Definitely...
  4. U

    Fan leaves are turning yellow then brown

    Could be worth checking the roots for rot. So this began before using your last dose of nutrients? Do you normally get run off during / after watering or does it take and hold the full gallon? Dont know the soil as not used it, but assuming it already has high nutrient levels, may be overdose...
  5. U

    Pollinated too soon?

    Each bract that was pollinated will produce one seed, you can get a rough idea during pollination of a small flower by counting the stigmas on the flower and divide that number by 2 (as each bract should have two stigmas unless mutated or damaged) that will give you a good idea of the amount of...