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  1. D

    Second, not so happy grow and same issues... What am I doing wrong here?!

    Thanks for taking the time to read my post and replying, PadawanWarrior. I forgot to mention that I do own a BlueLab pH pen (not soil, just liquid. Didnt even know that soil one existed). Since HTG mentioned not to pH anything weeks ago, I haven't. One of the main issues that has risen is the...
  2. D

    Second, not so happy grow and same issues... What am I doing wrong here?!

    Here's Bubble Berry and Skunky from my last grow. Side by side 3 weeks before I harvested them. You can see they're not too happy....
  3. D

    Second, not so happy grow and same issues... What am I doing wrong here?!

    Hi Everyone! I'm not sure if I posted in the right sub forum, sorry if its the wrong one. I am running organic nutes so I figured this might be the right place to post? This is my first post, I've pretty much been a lurker for the past year reading a ton of posts on here. I must say, I've...
  4. D

    R-Spec? No... B-SPEC!!!!!

    Any update on these? How are the plants doing? I have the RSpec but I've been eyeballing these...