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  1. D

    First time grow leaf help

    She’s a autoflower first stared budding at 4 weeks she’s now 5 weeks lights are on 24/7
  2. D

    First time grow leaf help

    I started the plant in dwc and after 3 weeks of hell and battleing root rot I chopped the roots at the base of the net pot and planted in loco coco where it has been for the last two weeks first few days were rough but plant has seemed to rebound pretty nicely I have a few pictures just wanted...
  3. D

    First DWC grow help

    Figured I would do a update after continuing to struggle with the the dwc set up and root rot I chopped the roots at the base of the net pots and moved them to 3 gallon mesh pots in loco coco first day was pretty rough but been about 5 days now and the plants seem to be on the uphill side now...
  4. D

    Dwc wilting help please

    The other question is with this being week 3 and then being autoflowers is there any hope that they will do anything?
  5. D

    Dwc wilting help please

    Just using golden tree Nutes atm at1.5 ml per gal water
  6. D

    Dwc wilting help please

    Nothing for roots what do you recommend?
  7. D

    Dwc wilting help please

    32 watt full spectrum led at 14 inches from top of plants
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    Dwc wilting help please

    My red heater did go out 2 days ago and the demo dropped to 60 for about 12 hours
  9. D

    Dwc wilting help please

    That’s what every thing Iv read says I just can’t figure it out there’s lots new root growth no smell no algae no brittleness no slime my ppm is 180 which I know is on the low side Could that cause the leaf issues? Just puzzles me because there like the perfect shade of green
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    Dwc wilting help please

    Top half stained from nites but no slime/stink/brittleness and lots of nice whit growth at ends
  11. D

    Dwc wilting help please

    Plants are three weeks old today growing in 3 inch net pots in rockwool cubes surrounded by hydroton water level is 2 inches below pots with roughly 16inches of roots hanging below the pots running 3 12 inch air stones hooked to two 30-60 gallon air pumps water is ph 5.7 with a temp of 67.8...
  12. D

    Possible wilting?

    I’m not sure if this is wilting or healthy
  13. D

    First DWC grow help

    Iv been starting ph at 5.3 and letting it slowly climb to 6.4 then ph back to 5.3 these seems to be consistently happening over the course of three days my res temp is 66-68 the growth in the last two days has been huge
  14. D

    First DWC grow help

    This is now day 16 does everything look okay in this plant and is size somewhat decent? She has started to put off a odor these last few days and I believe has started to show sex
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    First DWC grow help

    Ph is running 5.8 got my temp stabilized at 69 my ppm is just over 300 planning on changing water and upping notes in next couple days this is what I have for roots on her so far
  16. D

    First DWC grow help

    This is the plant now at 10 days old are the two big leaves ok? And is the size of the plant ok for its age
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    First DWC grow help

  18. D

    First DWC grow help

    Ok thank you I’ll keep some ice bottles in it until I can get a water chiller set up thank you guys for the help
  19. D

    First DWC grow help

    This is plant number 2 3 days after seed broke surface
  20. D

    First DWC grow help

    Here is updated picture of first plant this is day 5 since seed broke surface