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  1. mangerton

    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    all the organic growers oh here must be sentience if you discovered a different periodic table. i guess all then old sentience have been wrong for decades.
  2. mangerton

    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    i dont think this would work for your res but i have an access flap on my bucket lid so i can put my ppm and ph meters in with out removing the lid and also for filling and topping off. my 1st set up i found once the plant is in the scrog net its a pain to slide the lid to the side and i dont...
  3. mangerton

    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    if my ph is going up i ph it back down. if my ph is going down i add add water to let the ph go back up if my ppm is down i top off with a pre mix of nutrient and water to bring it back up. if my ppm is up ill top off with just water its meant to change depending on what the plant is doing eg...
  4. mangerton

    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    i find it entertaining that you took the time to go back 3 months and find an old post that i cant even re find on this form. just to comment and not even prove me to be incorrect.
  5. mangerton

    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    and ok prove me wrong then about NPK all being the same and its just delivered to the plant in a different ways.
  6. mangerton

    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    yeah i only started growing indoors. i know enough about growing in soil outdoor and have grow for the past 20 plus years .. outdoors. im sure the 1st time you grow indoors you didnt know everything about lights.
  7. mangerton

    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    i find it entertaining when people think there is a difference between NPK and micro nutrients. its all the same shit. its just delivered to the plant in different ways. i also love when people plant in soil then feed with a liquid systematic feed completely by passing how soil works yet still...
  8. mangerton

    Melbournes 44 C° weather tomorrow

    feel luck you are not growing inside. even with a aircon its just bad with them temps atm. i just had to live though a week of that. and expecting much more to come watch your ground water. if you water though the day. mine comes out the hose like i just boiled the kettle defiantly do not...
  9. mangerton

    death by t.h.c. ?......

    i could see having a stroke from pot being a thing or maybe lack of oxygen and passing out more people die from just walking down the road then smoking pot so fuck up with your claims medical people... that's what i have to say im more likely to die pressing out a big shit then smoking all...
  10. mangerton

    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    you will never have a stable res with that many roots in such a small bucket. its more roots then water
  11. mangerton

    PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6

    no just noobs make it look hard by overcompensating it . you literally need 3 products. a+b nutes cal mag and ph down plus water that isnt shit. it being synthetic is a different topic but its no different . npk and all micro nutrients are the same to a plant regardless on how its absorbed. i...
  12. mangerton

    grow room set up

    i dont know enough about lights to make a knowledgeable comment but. id use more watts in flower then in veg
  13. mangerton

    grow room set up

    if its in your legal rights to grow that many then i don't see why not although it would be allot of work to maintain 20 plants. if its illegal i wouldn't do that many unless you're ok with jail
  14. mangerton

    grow room set up

    i have made the mistake in the past on getting a cheap one. it might be ok for veg but once your plants are in flower they will not work i use something called a can-filter that is decent but the best i know of and read about is phresh carbon filter no one can tell you how much you will...
  15. mangerton

    grow room set up

    a carbon filter. don't cheap out on them unless you are ok with everyone smelling your grow this will cover some information if you watch YouTube
  16. mangerton

    New Cannabis Vaping Products Are Coming To Canada But They Haven't Even Been Tested

    adding tobacco to your pot .....i use to when i was a kid but tabaco tasted good back in the day. now its like smoking rubber from the tobaco companies cheaping out and adding way too many horrid products to it as someone that hasn't experience dabbing i must ask something . isnt that a form...
  17. mangerton

    A plant is a plant

    and clicking unwatch now
  18. mangerton

    A plant is a plant

    i don't think people should take what ever he is on
  19. mangerton

    New Cannabis Vaping Products Are Coming To Canada But They Haven't Even Been Tested

    20yrs ago it was cool to vaporize weed but it was done on a hotplate and glass bowl not the the liquid vape stuff they make now days. i would not touch that
  20. mangerton

    A plant is a plant

    sorry i had to say this but lay off the drugs. they are making you go mental sounds like you are already