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  1. Robar

    Strains you Avoid? and Why?

    Good Durban definitely makes me edgy. I like sativas but I like them a bit on the milder side. The ones that make me feel like I'm about to crawl out my skin are no fun.
  2. Robar

    Strains you Avoid? and Why?

    I'm pretty much old school. I have no interest in anything created in the last 20 years. I tend play with the strains that they all come from - all the old stuff.
  3. Robar

    Your latest seed purchase?

    It's been a while since I bought seeds as I usually do my own breeding and have thousands of seeds but we all get our genetics from somewhere right? The last thing I bought was Black Forrest from Kingdom Organic Seeds. This is a Vietnam Black BX that the Rev released last year. Here is his...
  4. Robar

    Swami Seeds

    I've got a few things I enjoy playing with but I found a particular Black poison skunk that I really fell in love with. I've had her for about 4 years now and have bred it to a few different things but really like the chocolate Thai cross. I like everything that comes out of her but the coco...
  5. Robar

    Second Look - Male?

    The pod on the right looks like it has a gap which may indicate a stalk which would indicate it's male. With all that said I consider EVERY plant a male until I see a hair. Then and only then is it female.
  6. Robar

    Swami Seeds

    I've bought seeds from swami in the past and have had some stellar results with a Blue Orca Haze keeper so I went to see what he had listed for this years releases. LMFAO, THIS FUCKER IS HIGH ON HIS OWN SUPPLY! 300.00 for a Blue Orca BX project is so far out of line I think that goofy fucker...
  7. Robar

    AK Bean Brains

    This has been my experience as well. Mrs. AKBB is usually pretty fast to reply and I've always been treated like a valued customer by the AKBB folks.
  8. Robar

    Southwest Michigan

    I start mine indoors mid-may and transplant into the garden about june 7-10 looking to pull them mid august +/- Depending on strain. This year I'm planning on running Smoking Monkey Genetics Critical '22 & his Durban auto (Found on Strainly). Both of which are roughly 11 week autos. Switched to...
  9. Robar

    Swami Seeds

    So I wanted to come back and report for posterity's sake if nothing else. I took the BOH female I have to 13 weeks then let it cure for 6 months (Kinda just forgot about it more or less). So I pulled out a jar of it and have been smoking it for the last couple days. Still quite potent but very...
  10. Robar

    AK Bean Brains

    No I haven't run it yet. It was one of those "Buy it for the vault" purchases.
  11. Robar

    I never had the old cindy so I have nothing to compare too but I've kept one around for a while...

    I never had the old cindy so I have nothing to compare too but I've kept one around for a while. I bred it to a chocolate thai male I had and some of those turned out pretty real good! I remember an off hand comment made in one episode of the Pot Cast something to the effect if you pop 3 of...
  12. Robar

    Swami Seeds

    I'll be curious to see some updates as well. I've look at the Nigerian Sunshine before too. Have been tempted but never pulled the trigger on it.
  13. Robar

    Swami Seeds

    As to KoS, yes I like the Rev's offerings. I have a couple Cherry Malawi vegging right now and have a Black Poison Skunk that I've been running constant for something like 3 years now - been long enough I can't remember exactly.
  14. Robar

    Swami Seeds

    I been chasing the vietnam black a while. I have the vbomb and grew out a female that went a LOooong time and still wasn't finished when I pulled the plug. I'd suggest a BIG pot full of lightly amended soil if thats the way you grow. My experience with vbomb was that it didn't like a 5 gal pot...
  15. Robar

    Swami Seeds

    Vbomb = Blue Orca/(Vietnam Black x The One/Panama) x Talk of Kabul/Vietnam Black Vietnam gold = Vietnam Black x G13x Black Widow x Schrom
  16. Robar

    Swami Seeds

    Just found it. vbong = Vietnam bomb x Vietnam gold
  17. Robar

    Swami Seeds

    I cant remember exactly but I think the vbong was the vietnam bomb with with more vietnamese bred into it. Maybe? Sorry I can't be more helpful.
  18. Robar

    KOS ( Kingdom Organic Seeds ) Black Poison Skunk

    Also (Now that my order is secured) I wanted to give a heads-up to KoS fans. The Rev just Dropped a bx-ish 3/4 Vietnam Black for 90 bucks.
  19. Robar

    KOS ( Kingdom Organic Seeds ) Black Poison Skunk

    71 Days and as you can see no frost to be found on the Black Poison Skunk! - 11:10 Am 10/12/22
  20. Robar

    KOS ( Kingdom Organic Seeds ) Black Poison Skunk

    That was under a 600w Hortilux super HPS. I've come to understand something about this girl since the original post. In a 10 gal pot she will produce like about every other plant in the room. In this grow she was in 25 gallon with fairly hot soil and went nuts everytime I grow her like that she...