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  1. Overcomplicatotron

    Offering Electrical / Control Circuit / Programming Help

    So... Full disclaimer... You should have an electrician look at your setup. BUT if you are like the typical grower, I know you won't so here is some advice. I don't know your skill level, so here's the basics. If you have specific questions, you can shoot me another message. Especially...
  2. Overcomplicatotron

    Offering Electrical / Control Circuit / Programming Help

    Which Gavita Model? The Pro 1000 DE uses about 4.5 - 5.5 amps at 240. 5.5 amps x 4 lights x 1.2 (20% derated) = 26.4 amps There is a bunch to consider... Giving vague electrical advice on here kinda sketches me out... I don't want anyone getting hurt. Shoot me a PM with more details and I...
  3. Overcomplicatotron

    Offering Electrical / Control Circuit / Programming Help

    That's the way I like to do it. I grab a 3-5vdc coil hobby relay from online that claims to have like 5-10 amp capacity, and I use those to switch appropriately sized relay or contactors for the load I'm dealing with. One of the best websites in the world...
  4. Overcomplicatotron

    Offering Electrical / Control Circuit / Programming Help

    Chief... Just sent you a PM. I will read up on the details of your project tonight, I'd be happy to help however I can.
  5. Overcomplicatotron

    Offering Electrical / Control Circuit / Programming Help

    Ha! I understand what your saying... Just going from C to C++ is frustrating enough. I could imagine assembly being easier to manipulate bitfields and stuff, but when it comes to real-time operating systems and communication protocols and stuff like that, I couldn't imagine doing that at the...
  6. Overcomplicatotron

    Offering Electrical / Control Circuit / Programming Help

    If you program PICs and machine language you'd have no problem getting into Arduino programming... Simple C / C++ libraries are usually already written for a ton of peripherals.
  7. Overcomplicatotron

    Offering Electrical / Control Circuit / Programming Help

    Nice find. There's a lot of stuff like this out there...
  8. Overcomplicatotron

    Offering Electrical / Control Circuit / Programming Help

    That's on my list. The pH management stuff I did in the past was very large scale, but lessons I took home were calibrate often, clean the water loop often, and if you use cheap sensors, buy a few extras. The atlas pH sensor kit looks like the real deal, but it's pricey...
  9. Overcomplicatotron

    Offering Electrical / Control Circuit / Programming Help

    I did a quick google for the average power consumption of the devices you listed without a wattage, and made a simple google spread sheet that anyone should be able to download and plug their own stuff into it. A branch circuit should technically be capable of delivering it's full rating, but...
  10. Overcomplicatotron

    Offering Electrical / Control Circuit / Programming Help

    Mycodo looks sick! Just glanced at the GitHub. Will definitely be checking that out. Thanks for sharing brotha!
  11. Overcomplicatotron

    Offering Electrical / Control Circuit / Programming Help

    I have some #8 awg SO cord and a 2 pole 40 amp breaker in my basement from another piece of equipment that I'm no longer using. That's way more than I'll need. Everything downstream from that will be protected at 15 amps. Main panel -> 40 amp 2-pole -> perhaps a twistlock plug -> #8 4...
  12. Overcomplicatotron

    Offering Electrical / Control Circuit / Programming Help

    Hahaha... fair enough. Those strips were 2 for 8 bucks and rated for 15 amps. It was just a super simple and cheap solution. I'll throw my veg tent lights and fans on one strip, my flower tent lights and fans on another strip, and I'll have two switched strips ready to go for hyrdro pumps or...
  13. Overcomplicatotron

    Offering Electrical / Control Circuit / Programming Help

    I am interested in that CO2 sensor. If you have anything written up on your setup I'd like to see it.
  14. Overcomplicatotron

    Offering Electrical / Control Circuit / Programming Help

    Hell yeah, bro. That's sweet. Have you been running into any issues with the esp modules or are you happy with them? How are you sending the data between the pi and esp modules? I just started taking some signalR tutorials. Pretty awesome stuff. I lost my 3rd light controller the other...
  15. Overcomplicatotron

    Neem Oil and Green Cure Mix - A Precautionary Tale

    Totally agree. Not smart. "Also, I use 1/4 tsp. of Greencure per GALLON. That shit is hot. You may have provoked phytotoxicity. Honestly, a 1/4 tsp is hot enough to just burn about 10% of pistils." Good to know. The instructions say 1-2 level tablespoons per gallon. "Not sure your two...
  16. Overcomplicatotron

    Offering Electrical / Control Circuit / Programming Help

    I've messed around with the various R-pis since they first came out, and I've done some esp stuff too. I can flail around in other languages, but I spend most of my time in C and C++. What is your project? I've wanted to do a modular automated grow system for a while. ESPs came to mind, but...
  17. Overcomplicatotron

    Offering Electrical / Control Circuit / Programming Help

    I was an electrician for 10 years, anything from residential to commercial, to off-grid. I taught myself how to program, and I've been an embedded programmer / system integrator for the last five years. If you need help with anything like that, hit me up. I like to nerd out and grow dope.
  18. Overcomplicatotron

    Neem Oil and Green Cure Mix - A Precautionary Tale

    Ladies... Gentlemen... Hermies... Hello! Long time reader, first time poster. Thanks for everything everyone has contributed to the collective knowledge of growing cannabis. I love this place. Let me start by saying that this is by no means an indictment of Green Cure or Neem Oil. I've...