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  1. salty


    the leaves are rough and feel like paper..I haven't been feeding them anything for 2 weeks.the soil is foxfarm ocean forest
  2. salty


    Thanks for the quick reply, I appreciate it. I was reading a guide this morning and thought about calcium deficiency, I just wanted to get a better opinion before I do anything. Great guide btw very informative, thanks!
  3. salty


    Hey guys, its been a while since I've posted. But I'm back :mrgreen: Anyway, I'm having some issues with G13 Pineapple Express. They have some sort of necrosis or dry leaf tips/spots what ever you want to call it. They're under a week into flowering. They have not had any nutrients for at...
  4. salty

    what to do...what to do..

    Sry I guess I took it the wrong way. Would it hurt the bagseed to keep it under 24 hour lighting? Atm the lights are set at 18-6.
  5. salty

    what to do...what to do..

    yea I guess that was pretty stupid on my part, I am a noob you know :) ..but I really just needed to know how to slow the growth or make my bag seed plant shorter and I got my answer. Thanks for all the help..I could do without the attitude though...seasmoke..
  6. salty

    what to do...what to do..

    Kinda scared to supercrop it lol. I guess I'll go ahead and top and supercrop it
  7. salty

    what to do...what to do..

    Know any good guides on how to do that?
  8. salty

    what to do...what to do.. heres the deal. About 3 weeks ago I planted 2 seeds from bag seed. One died bc I picked it up to water and it fell I know I know. I have 1 bag seed plant left. During the 2nd week of growing this bag seed I decided I wanted to order some low ryder fem, since I'm growing in a...
  9. salty

    Attitude seeds suck!!!

    Nice! Glad you everything worked out for you:clap:
  10. salty

    Florida growers make mj legal

    Damn! How'd you get that many?
  11. salty

    What are the pot growing penalties in florida

    It sucks.....
  12. salty

    Attitude seeds suck!!!

    That sucks, I hope everything works out for you. Did you get the guaranteed stealth package thing? I just got my seeds yesterday, it took about a week for them to arrive..
  13. salty

    Florida growers make mj legal

    I have 3 sigs from my family + me..gonna send them out soon :peace:
  14. salty

    Good music..

    Actually try this..
  15. salty

    Good music..

    Yea I screw it up the first on the youtube link on my edited post..or if you have a myspace account just search for Michael Franti and SpearHead and the song is called Future..I linked my account lol and realized thats not a good idea bc it says where I live..
  16. salty

    Good music..

    This is good music :mrgreen: crappy quality..but you can still hear it
  17. salty

    The Boondocks

    HAHA Never saw this show before..Say what agin and nigga moment is fucking hilarious
  18. salty

    High temps

    Well I took out 1 cfl a while ago..and they temps have not gone above 90..they are from 80-85..I'm not too worried.
  19. salty

    High temps

    yea..the ac is on the ceiling :( and in front of my door..the speaker box is on the opposite side of the
  20. salty

    Attitude seeds suck!!!

    Or you could just go on their website and they tell you how they ship stuff lol..and put something in your cart and choose what you want..would be kind of hard for the fuzz to track whats coming from where though because if you read their website it says they don't put a return address only...