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  1. O

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Day 84. Still not approved as of today. Applied online on 11/8. Anyone with a November application been approved lately?
  2. O

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Called today and still not approved as of Day 82. I'm glad that people will finally be getting their provisional access, but am flabbergasted that I'm stuck in line in this clusterfuck of a system. The only thing keeping me sane is knowing I wont ever have to wait again. Applied online: 11/8/2018
  3. O

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Remember, a police officer cannot search your car without a warrant or reasonable cause. Don't drive under the influence and keep your cannabis in a smellproof container, out of site and nowhere near your person. Know your rights as a citizen and don't volunteer any information that you don't...
  4. O

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Update from my last post, I got through at call 151 today Never got the second message to be placed on hold. Was told my application hasn't been looked at yet. Applied online: 11/8 Currently: Day 76
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    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    How long does it usually take you to get through? According to my phone I've called 135 times today, each time only reaching the automatic message about high call volumes.
  6. O

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    It doesn't seem like they're going in order of receipt, at least between mail and online applications. A member posted yesterday that they were just approved on Day 90 (10/25) yesterday with a mail in application, while you were approved on Day 80 with an online application. I'm on day 76...
  7. O

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    The VP said you apply online and they email you a provisional card that can be used with your state ID to purchase medical cannabis. This sounds like just online applications to me. He believes that the state will email cards to everyone who has currently applied online and is waiting, however...
  8. O

    Illinois medical marijuana card wait time

    Been lurking here for a couple months while waiting for my card (Day 64 here). Here's the wgn radio episode with the guy from Cresco Labs. >Search for "wgn radio cresco" in Google and it's the first hit (I'd post the link but the forum won't let me because I'm new; maybe another member...