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  1. T

    Hit with Spider Mites, Heres what i did

    Mites were destroyed from everything i did right away. although it was hard on the plants. they bounced right back and are going into flower. 1 month set back. but u have to make sure they are gone. cheers
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    Is this spider mites

    not spider mites
  3. T

    Hit with Spider Mites, Heres what i did

    Its a ton of work! in flower it would be very difficult to eradicate completely. Theres so much doom and gloom on the forums when it comes to spider mites... I just wanted to share my experience to show there are ways to win
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    Hit with Spider Mites, Heres what i did

    When i saw spotted white specks on my leaves. i didnt mess around and got right to work. Literally was getting moved into flower tent few days after i caught it! very lucky. this is setting back my next run a few weeks but nothing you can do about that lol
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    Hit with Spider Mites, Heres what i did

    Veg tent got hit with Spider Mites right before these were getting moved into flower room. Thankful to catch this before flower as i wouldnt want to mess with these in flower. Heres what i did: I removed all plants from tent. Defoliated the older leaves. Then i used Doctor Doom Spider Mite...
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    Jack’s in Canada

    Jacks is at Eddis wholesale. which is where all the hydro shops get their gear. i just get my local shop to order 25lb bags
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    Jacks 321 in coco help

    jacks 3-2-1 is way too hot.. you shouldnt even be using any nutes until the cotyledons die off. your just frying them. i only get to full strength late veg/flower
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    Is this a nutrient deficiency issue?

    i would. whenever i have these issues i foliar spray. make my own Cal /mag.. calcium nitrate and epsom.
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    What's wrong ?

    Medium looks way too wet. young plants have enough nutrients to supple theirselves till the cotyledons even earth worm castings are not necessary.. and may be too much i plant germed seeds maybe 1/4 inch under soil. just enough to cover it. soak your medium before you plant. then...
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    Early harvest?

    was this in promix?
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    Whats this Deficiency?

    Update. Well. plants definately loving the changes. All deficiences have been halted. Leaves getting back to healthier colour aswell!. Thesis. PH way too low ,(like you suggested) In turn that created a Mag deficiency... that then effected uptake of potassium and nitrogen. Also.. turns out my...
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    Whats this Deficiency?

    can you feed epsom salts in every feeding until symptoms go away? ive read that its pretty hard to hurt plants with them.
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    Whats this Deficiency?

    After reading through forums all day. Ive came across many people growing in a peat based soilless. ( not amended with organic additives) that had similar problems as i do. it was a common reply that when they raised their PH higher (around 6.5.. even up to 6.7) problems went away. I think...
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    Whats this Deficiency?

    what PPM you usually feeding at in flower?
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    Whats this Deficiency?

    good info there. my tap is 500-600ppm ...brutal. after RO .. around 20-30 right now so filters should be good? i only use about 16 gallons a week so not too much
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    Whats this Deficiency?

    heres a lower fan leaf. didnt get much light but whats going on here. this is what happens to all the big fan leaves eventually throughout flower . starts as little tip burn. (light green tip. to burnt tip) then shows up on edges. then worse case starts killing the leaf completely
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    Whats this Deficiency?

    i usually replace filters every 6 months but i definately gone past that currently lol. membrane maybe due for a switch aswell
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    Whats this Deficiency?

    yeah yours are beasts! i think im gonna stray away from only water feeds from now on
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    Whats this Deficiency?

    thanks. no need for the extra K ?
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    Whats this Deficiency?

    i use to water feed water feed etc.. always because "burnt tips" always made me feel like i was nute burning them. but it seemed n after only water days... deficiences got worse from lack of nutes or stress.