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    Changing a flowering room from HPS to LED

    It's a fact you cant deny. Everyone quotes HPS watts of the bulb but wants to know how much those leds are pulling from the wall. They never ask themselves what their lights are pulling from the wall while they're questioning the other lights
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    Changing a flowering room from HPS to LED

    In your case I would get something more capable that Cree CXB3590 for what you're doing. You could get your 1000W DE that is actually burning 1250W or so down to 750W-800W with COBs. I would go for the higher power Citizen chips that can handle up to 500W and run them at about 150W with decent...
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    Suggest me an LED - 600 watt HPS replacement, 3x3x6 tent

    You've been running 600W HPS in that tent with sativas so far and had no issues? If I were you, I wouldn't change anything. And that's coming from a born LED guy.
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    What to do with trim

    Since I dry trim I do it over a 180u screen and sift the trim pretty well which gives me pretty good quality dry sift and can smoke it just as good as trimmed bud. What's left from the trim i jarr and collect it then wash it later with ethanol. Quich 2-3min shake will dilute leftower resin and...
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    Help my ladies

    Where do you think that bag seed came from?
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    Can someone tell me what this is

    It's not a herm it's a straight male ffs
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    The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

    I got max of 145W of lm561c over 2x2.5' and it's overkill. Altho I only have 2.5' height. I run those at 90W max. That's 18W per sqr'. And that's 576 chips in there. Running it at full blast plant's will get too compact and too stressed by the light by the time they hit 1' Edit: that's for veg
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    The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

    I didn't even get to return the damaged strips, i got them free of charge. And a 320 board on top of it. But that was Mufue
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    LED DIY hanging kit suppliers

    You hanging the frame or each individual strip?
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    Cutter New Web site

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    The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

    Guys please start using some L channels on thosd 800+ boards. You're hanging them by the edges and let them bend downwards in the middle where those copper lines are being under stretch. With an L channel or two, along the length of the board, rigidity is added and stress on solder points/copper...
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    The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

    What's your budget? And how much of those 100sqr' will be for what. Got a footprint? How high are your ceilings? What grow style?
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    The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

    You keep them plants happy bro!
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    The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

    If you had 15 series you would still be reading 45V running them at higher current or if you had 17 series running them at lower current.
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    The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

    Jerry is a legit source and has been for the at least the past 15 years in the LED community before people even started using LEDs for growing plants.
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    The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

    You didn't figure out shit to be honest. Do you actually know why are you only getting 45V on a 48V board?
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    The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

    You using app or browser? I would contact them and explain them what I need. I'm sure they'll come up with something.
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    The Chinese Quantum Board Knock Off Builds

    Shipping was $43 for 1m 120x40mm and 5m 60mm diameter ones
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    Experts warn LED blue-light could cause serious damage to your eyes

    Tell your doc to stare at the sun for half a day. See how it turns out ;)