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  1. Rooter

    Plant help!!!! help 4 rep, please look

    Please dear lord someone look at my grow journal and see what the hell is wrong with my 2 babies. Went away for 2 days over break figuring if i overwatered before hand they would be fine, cam back and they were plauged. Follow link and please take a look, will send rep if you can tell me if they...
  2. Rooter

    Plant Problems, help = rep...need badly

    Please dear lord someone look at my grow journal and see what the hell is wrong with my 2 babies. Went away for 2 days over break figuring if i overwatered before hand they would be fine, cam back and they were plauged. Follow link and please take a look, will send rep if you can tell me if they...
  3. Rooter

    CFL plant help. please. with pics

    Please, i really need some help figuring out what happened with 2 of my plants. Went away for two days of Thanksgiving, came back and they looked plauged. Follow link to grow journal for better description and a legacy look at the grow...
  4. Rooter

    Hoped i wouldnt need to post in here...

    It was all perfect, they were bushing like no other and seemed to be real happy with their surroundings...then...the plauge. I dont know what happened, i left them for 2 days without water (which i thought would just be like the rain) and when i came back from break they were devestated...dried...
  5. Rooter

    24/7 or 18/6?

    So ive been running my little ones on 24hr light and exhaust/fan. There going on 3 weeks next monday. Would it be more beneficial for them to go on 18/6? Why, why not? Ive heard that they dont really need the dark cycle during vegging but i think it might be running them ragged. Rooter
  6. Rooter

    Kief or Hash

    Which is your favorite to smoke? Kief, because i can smoke it straight up or sprinkle it on top of a bowl. Its more precise and clean i think.
  7. Rooter

    The Aristocrats

    Heres the rules for those who dont know how to play: "The Aristocrats" is a longstanding transgressive joke amongst comedians, in which the setup and punchline are almost always the same (or similar). It is the joke's midsection — which may be as long as the teller prefers and is often...
  8. Rooter

    First grow journal started

    So I started my first grow journal, but I started it in the journal section. Its a CFL grow so I figured ide post the link here. Let me know what you guys think.
  9. Rooter

    First Grow, CFL Stealth, Purps/Strawberry

    So this is my first grow ever, Ive spent a couple months on here reading before I started so I kind of know what Im doing. Feel free to critique me at any time but please be constructive, dont just tell me they look like shit cause it hurts my feelings and theirs. Tell me what I need to be doing...
  10. Rooter

    Michigan Prop 1

    For those of you who dont follow every single states proposals, scanning for the one who is looking at the issues of medical marijuana, we have a new ally in our ranks. The Michigan ballot for 08, which included prop 1 of medical marijuana, was passed by an overwhelming 63% of voters!!!! This...
  11. Rooter

    Michigan Prop 1

    For those of you who dont follow every single states proposals, scanning for the one who is looking at the issues of medical marijuana, we have a new ally in our ranks. The Michigan ballot for 08, which included prop 1 of medical marijuana, was passed by an overwhelming 63% of voters!!!! This...
  12. Rooter

    Water this

    Ill keep this quick. I got all my shit in line, box is done, seeds are ready, lights, nuets, yada yada yada and im about to germ. I got super thrive to mix with water and soak my paper towels in. What kinda of water do i need? I was told i can get it by the gallon at walmart or mijer but they...
  13. Rooter

    Fox Farm Organic Fertilizer?

    So I want to go all organic, Im all dected out with Fox Farm equipment (organic soil, and fert, and nuets) but I had a question about the dry organic fertilizer I got. Heres a link to the information about it and a link to a picture of the box. FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company (second one down)...
  14. Rooter

    My lights shat on me

    Ok so i was stoked to get my 125w cfls right, they get here yesterday and i go to try them out and they ARE BROKEN (well half broken, only one side lit up)!!! Uterly pissed i call the company and send them back today, the only thing they could do was give me a full refund or charge me about half...
  15. Rooter


    So heres the deal, im working on a grow in an area that is 14x30x44 in. Im going to wrap the whole inside of the cab with mylar and have 1 intake and 1 exhaust (pretty big ones too considering the size of the cab). Ideally i would like to grow 2-3 plants in this area without to much hassle. As...
  16. Rooter

    Exhaust System?

    I just started building the set up for my first grow. Taking careful measures to make sure all my shit will work together ive hit a few road blocks on the drawing map. Im working with a 14x30x44 in box and have decided to go with CFLs (2x 105w, and 4x 25w for the sides/underside). My question is...
  17. Rooter

    Exhaust set up?

    cant delete, moved thread to grow room design & set up, thought it would be better placed there. sorry all
  18. Rooter

    1st grow, preperation troubleshooting. need help

    Ok, im fairly new at this forum and its taken me a while to read all the newbie information for growing. While i think i understand most, if not all of, the basics ide like some input and assistance finding certain information to prep my first grow which will comense in a few weeks. Im working...