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  1. J

    How many more weeks?

    my lowryder 2 X santa maria. 7 weeks in, i know i have more to come i jsut want to know how long . what kind of yield am i looking at also?
  2. J

    5 Week Old Lowryder 2 Santa Maria *17 Inches Tall*

    heres my first grow, a lowryder 2 that ive been growing for 5 weeks. flowering started about a week ago and theres a decent amount of bud sites. its under 5 cfls and is about 17 inches tall and seems to keep growing, what kind of yield am i going to be looking at?
  3. J

    Lowryder 2 X Santa Maria 3 weeks in

    this is my first grow so i thought it would be best to start with a lowryder. its in miracle grow soil(lack of soil in winter) and has 5 cfls beaming it with light. i noticed orange spots and dwindling of the lower leaves last week and i learned that is a mg deficiency so i watered it with some...
  4. J

    Lowryder Orange Spots Problem

    my lowryder santa maria autoflower is 2 and a half weeks old, just aorund the 2 week mark it started growing orange spots on the older leaves and now its working its way to other leaves. cant be nute burn because i havmt given it any yet. its in miracle grow root starter soil and it does have...