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  1. P

    Just not sure what to do here.. Help!

    Just going into week 5 of flower and honestly they seem to be on schedule but they are just ugly. Deep Jealousy Autos Under Spider Farmer LEDs at 100% 22" above canopy Been top watering (stopped using the autopots a couple of week ago) probably every 2-3 days whe they feel dry with a finger...
  2. P

    I guess they'll never be "pretty" again but I'll be ok?

    Had some issues that I think I have under control now (tried to go no nutes). Turned off the autopots, let them sit for 24 hours and then top fed them with some nutrients along with top dressing with more ocean forest and a cup of craft blend (before watering). Looks like they are still...
  3. P

    Phosphorus Deficiency? How to correct?

    Deep Jealousy Autos Ocean Forrest Soil 3.5 Weeks in this soil. 1.5 weeks into flower. in 3.9 Gallon AutoPots Zero Nutrients given besides what's in the soil Plain Tap water in the reservoir ~30k Lux (I don't have a better meter yet) Plants seem overall pretty healthy and happy. Maybe a little...
  4. P

    First Time Auto - What light schedule/Temp/RH do you normally run with during flower?

    The Google is all over the place on this one. Wondering what the peeps round here normally have the best luck with. Deep Jealousy Autos. They're looking ok other than one of them having a habit of getting tired at the end of the day about 3 hours before lights out and drooping which was...
  5. P

    Left girl seems a little droopy to me. Autopots?

    Left for Vegas last Sunday and just got back. Turned on the autopots before I left and they were functioning/filling as they should and they still are (no leaks yet other than the initial bad valve they send coming out of supply). Girl on the right seems ok but girl on the left is a bit...
  6. P

    AutoPots Newbie - At what point can I stop top watering and turn on the autpots?

    I had read that you need to top water until the roots get to the bottom before you turn on your autopots. I put the seedlings into Dixie cups and then transplanted those into the 3.9 gallon autopots 12 days ago. Since I'm not Superman and don't have x-ray vision, what is the general thinking...
  7. P

    Short and bushy? Can light get in there?

    I’m not really complaining and I assume it’s just genetics but I’ve never had any plants that were immediately all bushy at this height. Is this a good thing? Bad thing? I’m concerned about light getting through mainly. I don't normally trim for light this early. First pic is them being in...
  8. P

    Soil recommendations for this next grow? Introducing Autoflowers and Autopots this round..

    My current base setup: 3x3 GG Tent Spider Farmer SE5000 480W LED grow light AC Infinity 6" Inline Fan with carbon filter and smart controller Multiple AC Infinity Fans (REALLY want to change these to oscillating type) This planned grow: Seeds: Anesia Seeds Auto Deep Jealousy Just 2 plants...
  9. P

    Getting worse... Yellow and looks brittle maybe?

    For my first, I felt like this grow could not have gone any better... Up until week 7 of flower. Someone said I had a deficiency and to stop the CalMag cause I may have caused some lockout and to only give bloom. Did that. Tomorrow starts week 8 of flower. Am I about to lose all my hard...
  10. P

    Starting Week 7.... Nute Burn???

    Just started week 7 of flower. I had a little of what seemed to be a nutrient issue in week 5 so in week 6 just watered normally with a little epsom salt. Everyone seems of but after I fed what I figured to be their last feeding so that I can flush these last 2-3 weeks, I saw this bright...
  11. P

    Week 6 start… yellowing

    Ok, this may be not a huge problem but I’m out of town and just checked my camera. I’m seeing some yellowing on some of my leaves. Last watering was a feeding but not a heavy one. i know the picture is crap but it’s watering day again today most likely. Is this too much nutes? Not enough of...
  12. P

    Starting week 6... anything special I should be doing besides being patient??

    Weeks 6-8+, shoudl I be doing anything or planning on doing anything soon? Should I stop feeding at some point? Should I switch back to R/O water towards the end to keep any chlorine out of the equation? or do I just kick back, water when thirsty and get my grove bags ordered? Thanks for...
  13. P

    Question on something basic... Watering

    More specifically, watering during the last half of flower. Up to this point, I have always watered thoroughly until I get some decent runoff but then I don't water again until they are fairly dry. I guess I read years ago that that makes the roots go deeper to get the water and therefore...
  14. P

    Nutrient Question - Can I swap in FF Tiger Bloom for FF Cultivation Nation Bloom?

    I need to feed tomorrow but my normal store is closed this afternoon and while Amazon can get me Tiger Bloom by morning, unless I want to get a gallon jug of it, I can't get the cultivation nation Bloom by tomorrow. Will this freak my plants out if I do this? Just about to start the beginning...
  15. P

    The yellowing of the undercarriage perfectly normal.... right?

    I know these aren't getting much light at all underneath the canopy. I've tried to trim as much as I can from underneath the canopy but just going all Edward Scissorhands on them in week 3 of flower just seems to the noob like a bad idea. It's water and haircut day though so I'll trim "some"...
  16. P

    What does everyone use for viewing trichomes?

    I know a jeweler's loupe will do it but maybe there's something nicer??
  17. P

    Question about Stretch, Undercarriage Defoliation and Netting

    Stretch: Curious to know how long the "stretch phase" lasts when you switch to flower. Someone had mentioned before when I was inquiring about being ready to switch that I may have waited too late but we'd know in about 2 weeks. LOL Well, I'm 2 weeks into flower and boy have they grown...
  18. P

    Is it starting? Is this the moment I've been waiting for?

    I'm 10 days into flower. Is this the initial formation of sweetness??
  19. P

    What kind of portable A/C's y'all using?

    I just have a 3x3 tent (and a newb) but sice switching to flower and cranking up the light, I'm catching the temps getting up to like 84 degrees. Running my normal A/C at like 68 degrees right now so there's maybe a little complaining from others about that. I have an inline fan of course as...
  20. P

    Do these look ready to flip to 12/12?

    I was going to do a scrog and I still think I'll add the trellis for support but I (the uneducated) am thinking my canopy looks pretty even and after all the topping I did, I don't know that there is a lot of room in that 3x3 to spread anything out to. They have basically hit my 3 foot mark I...