Search results

  1. RockstarEnergy

    Curing for BHO?

    Hey everyone, So my outdoor plant didn't quite get enough light and I ended up with fluffy popcorn buds. I don't really care because my indoor plant is doing very well. I have decided to just make BHO with the whole plant. Is it really necessary to cure the buds for making BHO or can I just dry...
  2. RockstarEnergy

    Mom's Cancer Grow

    Hey everyone! I have been growing some plants for my mother who is going through chemo therapy right now. They are nearing the end so I figured I would share them with all of you. I have one Northern Lights growing indoors under CFLs and one Bubblelicious growing outdoors. Both are in Canna...
  3. RockstarEnergy

    Growing kind of strangely?

    Hey Everyone! INFO: Strain: Nirvana Northern Lights Auto Age: 6 Weeks Medium: Canna Coco Nutes: Canna Coco A+B, Rhizotonic, Cannazym Lighting: CFLs So I have this 6 week old NL and it has some interesting growth to it. It showed female preflowers about a week and a half ago. Now there is very...
  4. RockstarEnergy

    Hydro shop etiquette?

    Hey Everyone! I recently discovered a hydro shop only 25 minutes from my house. I don't know if it is because of my time on here and browsing online shops, but I got a feeling that they cater to marijuana growing needs(the sell ONA products, a full wall of carbon filters and accessories, and a...
  5. RockstarEnergy

    Severe calcium deficiency?

    Hey all! Background info, Strain: Nirvana Northern Lights Autoflower Medium: 100% Canna Coco Nutes: Canna Coco A+B, Rhizotonic, Cannazym Age: 4 Weeks I have been battling what I think is a calcium deficiency for about a week and a half now and it has become quite severe. I thought it was my...
  6. RockstarEnergy

    strains for Chemo Therapy?

    Hello, My mother is going through Chemo Therapy and I want to grow for her. She uses it for her nausea and discomfort. I have a few seeds already from past grows so what would be the best option for her? They choices are: Nirvana-Northern Lights Nirvana-Bubblelicious UFO-The Church DINAFEM-...
  7. RockstarEnergy

    doesnt quite look right...

    whats up. so i have a Purple Power thats been flowering about 8 weeks now. i would think at this time it would be starting to swell and fill in. wrong. it seems as though the calyxes arent filling in...they are getting longer and spaced out. not sure whats up with it. any thoughts? its...
  8. RockstarEnergy

    washing buds?

    im just wondering if there is a way to wash your buds off once you harvest? they have been growing outside so who knows what kind of crap is stuck to them. i dont mean flushing either! i mean before or after harvest cleaning off any dirt and stuff thats stuck to the buds during its time...
  9. RockstarEnergy


    Whats up RIU?? So i think i've seen about 100 "why are my plant flowering?", "When will my plants flower??", and "can i make my plants flower early?" posts this month and its getting out of control. I decided to use good ol' fashioned GOOGLE and find some info that can help people and...
  10. RockstarEnergy

    Better late than never!!* 2010 Guerilla Grow* PICS

    Whats up everyone? i decided to start a journal for my second outdoor grow! i've currently go 5 plants growing of 4 different strains. there are two Northern lights that are about a month old out in the woods right now. they are struggling at the moment because i transplanted too early due...
  11. RockstarEnergy

    Leaving supplies at your plot?

    Sup RIU? What are people thoughts on hiding some supplies at your site? i found a hollow tree and i am thinking about leaving some things in it; deer repellant, bug spray, etc. I know it adds evidence if you get caught but i would really like to have them out there so i dont need to bring...
  12. RockstarEnergy

    Advice for Multiple Stains

    Hey everyone! I kicked off my second guerilla grow last week and its a little bigger than my last years op and my closet grows. All my previous grows have been one strain at a time but this one its gonna be 3 different strains. I realize every strain is different with slightly different...
  13. RockstarEnergy

    Black Bears in the area!

    hello everyone, There have been a few black bear sightings in my neighborhood over the past few weeks. all the sightings have been in the early mornings. Since my plants are in the woods down the street from me, its possible they could rome around there aswell. i am wondering if i should...
  14. RockstarEnergy

    Marijuana Grower's Guide

    Hello everyone, so i finally decided to get myself a book about growing! i went to the book store to see what they had and found more options than expected for a state where its illegal haha. unfortunately they didnt have any Jorge Cervantes books so i picked up Deluxe Marijuana Grower's Guide...
  15. RockstarEnergy

    Cops on the site?

    whats up everyone? So i dont know about you but im starting to get tired of seeing people with signatures that say stuff like "Anything i post is fictional, i do not actually grow marijuana". would law enforncement actually take the time to make a profile just to try and bust people??? i...
  16. RockstarEnergy

    genetics vs. trichome maturity is making my brain hurt!

    ok people i've been researching this for about a two hours. i've searched this site, google, and other cannabis forums but all this reasearch has made me even more confused!!! :wall: everyone is familier with "sativas give you an Up/Cerebral high, and indicas give you a body stone". BUT then...
  17. RockstarEnergy

    Barney's Red Dragon

    whats up everyone i just ordered some seeds and one strain i got was Red Dragon from Barney's Farm. Anyone heard of it? i liked the name and it says the buds have a reddish tone to them which sounds cool. just wondered if anyone has any info/experience with this strain. Thanks!
  18. RockstarEnergy

    Barneys Red Dragon

    whats up everyone i just ordered some seeds and one strain i got is Red Dragon from Barney's Farm. has anyone heard of this strain? i liked the name and it says the buds have a reddish tone to them which sounds cool. just wondering if anyone has any info/experience with it. thanks! P.S...
  19. RockstarEnergy

    My Own Paradise

    Whats up guys and girls! i just had a growers moment and i thought i'd share it with you haha. i've been scouting for spots for about a month now and havent found anything that great. i thought i was gonna have to settle for some slightly shaded spots but today i was like you know what, im...
  20. RockstarEnergy

    Potting Soil Vs. Compost

    hey everyone! i think i have my spots picked out and im gonna start digging my holes this friday. i went to Lowes to get some soil amendments and i could either get a bag labelled "Potting Soil" or a bag labelled "Organic Compost" (cow manure). i plan of making a mix of 30-40% Coco coir and...