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  1. Dougs Nugs

    Botritys on branches - Help!

    I removed several sections like this and even a large main center stem that had a cut infected...any treatment options welcome. Please help.
  2. Dougs Nugs

    Indoor v1.6 - Sunset Sherbet - Bannana OG

    Figured I'd squeeze one last cycle jn before the weather turned. I'll be running- Bannana OG Sunset Sherbet Strawberry Wine ( homemade cross ) Venom OG
  3. Dougs Nugs

    1st time Aero Cloner

    What up guys and girls, I’ve been a rock wool man for over 10 years but want to change over to aero cloning. Any tips and pointers much appreciated. Right now my plan is to on/off every 15 minutes with 200ppm Clonex Hormex B1 Great White Ph 5.6 Thoughts feedback? Happy growing Doug
  4. Dougs Nugs

    HLG 550v2 - VS - Alibaba light

    Well i’ve been reading for far too long and couldnt believe no one had done a side by side soooo... I wanted to do a side by side comparison to settle it for myself once and for all. HLG ( US Made ) vs a chinese ordered light ordered on alibaba. Stay tuned.
  5. Dougs Nugs

    Doug’s Nugs - Perpetual Flower

    Well I’ve been slacking on posting anything from this room. Here’s some progressive photos of this run. Had a couple difficulties right at flip but found my meters needed calibration. This run Ive got some Gelato #33 and Dosido in 1 gallon square pots in coco, I’m feeding everyday until I get a...
  6. Dougs Nugs

    The strain hoarders Veg area

    Wellllll I couldn’t resist, got back into it after a long 5 year break. I spent 6 years growing and it was some of the best times. Here’s my go at it again for shits and giggles and my medical needs and others. Happy growing Doug
  7. Dougs Nugs

    I’m stumped

    hey all, First grow back in a couple years, dipped into coco for a run and I’m having my go with it. I’ve been slightly under feeding because I saw a sign of slight leaf curl. I tested my run off and it’s at 6.2 with 650ppm I’m in week 2 of flower and I’m thinking they have P/K deficiency...
  8. Dougs Nugs

    10x10 Sealed Room Design Rehaul

    Hey all, I’m really hoping to open this up hear about different potential layouts. I will be doing a sealed room running co2 in flower. I’m getting back into it after couple year break. I’ve been running a 1k in my 10 foot by ten foot shed. I feel like I could fully utilize this space and...