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  1. ScottyDogUK

    Nute burn, calcium def or something else ?

    And im a newb so forgive my stupidness lol
  2. ScottyDogUK

    Nute burn, calcium def or something else ?

    Ok thanks. What do you mean by looking dry ? she's in a dwc if that makes any difference
  3. ScottyDogUK

    Nute burn, calcium def or something else ?

    As the title says, what do you think ?
  4. ScottyDogUK

    My first grow. DWC Blue Dream

    Ive noticed a lot of the leaves have brown bits and the end of some of the leaves are completly missing. Is it nute burn or something else ?
  5. ScottyDogUK

    My first grow. DWC Blue Dream

    Ok thanks, il keep my eyes peeled. Quick update. Had a bit of a disaster when i tried to tie down the 2 main branches and split the main stem slightly. Wired it tight closed so hopefully it will be ok. Also noticed some brown areas which i think may be nute burn or calcium so ive lowed the ppm...
  6. ScottyDogUK

    My first grow. DWC Blue Dream

    Cool. Not sure if i fimmed correctly, cut too high ? too low ? also theres a little chunk out of one of the leaves, anything to worry about ?
  7. ScottyDogUK

    My first grow. DWC Blue Dream

    Hi, I thought id start a post about my first ever grow just so i can get some tips and advice along the way. I decided to do a one plant DWC in a 0.8 x 0.8 x 1.6 tent and the seed I chose was a HSO Blue Dream. Im using a 250w HPS light but will probably add more to that when it comes to...
  8. ScottyDogUK

    Twin pot DWC with external controller bucket

    Hi all, Im currently setting up my first simple dwc and i plan on having a container with 2 net pots inside the tent with a separate different sized bucket on the outside of the tent where i can control the ph and nutes etc without having to open the tent or main conatiner. Am i right in...