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  1. ScottyDogUK

    Ready to switch or leave to veg longer ?

    Thanks. Its a DWC 5 gallon under a 250w hps.
  2. ScottyDogUK

    Ready to switch or leave to veg longer ?

    Ok do i need to fill it up before switching or will it still fill out during flowering ?
  3. ScottyDogUK

    Ready to switch or leave to veg longer ?

    Hi, Ive been vegging for just over a month. Do you think i should switch now or leave it longer ? Thanks.
  4. ScottyDogUK

    My first grow. DWC Blue Dream

    Day 32 : Scrog addded. Hoping to veg for about another couple of weeks to try and get most of the scrog filled.
  5. ScottyDogUK

    Carbon filter off at night

    Already does and its not even flowering yet. My house is on lock down till the postman brings my cf lol
  6. ScottyDogUK

    Carbon filter off at night

    Ok cheers. it should arrive in the post tomorrow so il set it up, see how loud it is and take it from there. Yes i have to vent it out into the same room, no choice unfortunately. Another problem is i could only afford a cheapo fan at the minute so no doubt its going to be noiser than a decent...
  7. ScottyDogUK

    Nute burn, calcium def or something else ?

    Looking a little bit better since i lowered the nutes and i dont think it looks as dry, might just be my imagination though lol. Still something munching on my leaves though by the looks of it, any way i can find out what it is ?
  8. ScottyDogUK

    Carbon filter off at night

    Ok thanks il look into that.
  9. ScottyDogUK

    Carbon filter off at night

    Ordered a cf and fan. its going to be right next to my bed thats the problem lol.
  10. ScottyDogUK

    My first grow. DWC Blue Dream

    Day 27 : Batteling a couple of issues.
  11. ScottyDogUK

    Nute burn, calcium def or something else ?

    haha cheers mate il look into getting some of that. Ive got a journal going if you want to see how this thing turns out, fingers crossed i get all the issues sorted out.
  12. ScottyDogUK

    Nute burn, calcium def or something else ?

    Thanks mate, il get the res solution changed today with the amounts you suggested. Only moved her into the closet a few days ago because of stealth issues with my tent and nosey nephews etc so il keep a close eye on the temp and humidity. Still thinking if i need to mylar it or not bother as...
  13. ScottyDogUK

    Nute burn, calcium def or something else ?

    Good stuff, thanks very much il give it a try. As for the dry and crispy leaves would spraying them help at all or is that a big no no ?
  14. ScottyDogUK

    Nute burn, calcium def or something else ?

    Once a week res change dwc
  15. ScottyDogUK

    Nute burn, calcium def or something else ?

    Using the flora series of nutes and using there simple drain to waste chart. Just that and calmag and RO water.
  16. ScottyDogUK

    Nute burn, calcium def or something else ?

    Ok thanks makka, so you think i should use the standard amount of calmag and just lower the nutes and see what happens yeah ? i have a feeling im gonna learn a lot from this grow lol.
  17. ScottyDogUK

    Nute burn, calcium def or something else ?

    Hey, yes the pebbles are fine i think, couldnt get hold of any hydroton so had to settle with standard clay pebbles from a hydro store but I ph'd them before using them and i check my ph daily. Youve got me thinking about pests, think i need to find a magnify glass. Temps are in the 75 - 85...
  18. ScottyDogUK

    Nute burn, calcium def or something else ?

    Ive tried looking at charts etc but find it really hard to diagnose as it could be a number of things. I have halved my nutes and upped my calmag, not sure what else i can do. She still seems to be growing fast and shes only 3 1/2 weeks old so fingers crossed but if it all goes wrong il just...
  19. ScottyDogUK

    Nute burn, calcium def or something else ?

    Ok heres some more pics
  20. ScottyDogUK

    Carbon filter off at night

    Hi, Ive got a small one plant closet grow and its starting to smell already and its only 4 weeks old. The closet is in my bedroom so noise is a big issue. My question is, if i buy a carbon filter / duct fan is it ok to switch it off for 6 hours a day ? I currently have no temp or humidity...