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  1. smokermore

    I Have a Serious Problem

    my gf is graduating in 1 week. there will be lots of friends and family coming over. ive got 6 plants that are about 4 weeks into flowering, and their all putting off quit a smell(grow room is in the laundry room). I will no doubt have to get these plants out of here a few days before family...
  2. smokermore

    Sick as fuck plant i just bought!

    my grandma has one of those plants. keeps it by the window. gets gets hardly any light, and she waters it like once a year, and it still looks heathy and good lol
  3. smokermore

    3 Word Story

    dildos, vaginas, peanutbutter
  4. smokermore

    my old friends are haters....

    lol! Holy shit man!!! Never wanna get on your bad side!!!
  5. smokermore

    Trying to Go 1 Week without Smoking Herb

    cheers to that. i can always quit tomorrow :)
  6. smokermore

    my old friends are haters....

    i was just sharing with you all some of the comments i saw on my facebook yesterday, and instead of venting about it on facebook, i thought it would be better to talk about on here, and a few people prob get a kick out of it
  7. smokermore

    my old friends are haters....

    thats what really urks me...their ignorance towards it. id like to say alot, but i kno theres really no use.
  8. smokermore

    my old friends are haters....

    heres a few more post in which 1 person actually was standing up for weed, and her replies " Still can't understand why everyone bashes pot so much when it's safer than alcohol and it's even prescribed in the medical field! I think most of y'all are just haters and need something to talk shit...
  9. smokermore

    my old friends are haters....

    So i was on my facebook page yesterday, browsing through to see what everyone is up to, and i see this "is having a hard time understanding why everyone gets so amped over 4\20. its not a federal holiday, nobody cares that youre a pot head and personally, i wouldnt brag about it. being over...
  10. smokermore

    My Old Friends Are Haters.

    woops i somehow made two of these threads...ill try to delete this 1
  11. smokermore

    Don't Say I Never Gave You Anything= Beardo Hooks You Up

    ok cool. i just wanted to make sure there wasnt anything else i needed to do. gracias amigo!
  12. smokermore

    Trying to Go 1 Week without Smoking Herb

    Well, the day i made this thread, i ended up going all day and night without smoking, but i ended up taking 3 bong hits before going to bed. The next day,(yesterday) i actually felt alot better through out the day. More energy, kinda more social. Being that it was 4/20 tho, i ended up smoking...
  13. smokermore

    Don't Say I Never Gave You Anything= Beardo Hooks You Up

    Hey i was just wondering if anyone else recieved a tracking number for their free nutes? I filled out all the info and clicked submit and then it took me to another page of their advertisments. Im just wondering if theres anything else i need to do. I cant seem to find any tracking number or...
  14. smokermore

    Don't Say I Never Gave You Anything= Beardo Hooks You Up

    Holy crap thnx beardo! Hopefully ill get the nutes pretty soon :) +rep!
  15. smokermore

    Don't Say I Never Gave You Anything= Beardo Hooks You Up

    can i get some free nutes????
  16. smokermore

    Trying to Go 1 Week without Smoking Herb

    i really really really appreciate the comments. Ive been up all night cleaning. its almost 6 am now. i think ill just take 2 bong hits and try again tomorrow
  17. smokermore

    Trying to Go 1 Week without Smoking Herb

    Dude that awkwardness your describing is EXACTLY what im talking about when i said anxiety. I smoke alone now too for those exact same reasons. The only person i can smoke around without feeling weird is my girlfriend, but we've also been together for over 6 years. Theres a dude thats suppose to...
  18. smokermore

    Storing Marijuana In Mason Jars

    dam he's been doing it that way since the 60's i think lol. But he's always smoked shwag until i started growing about 2 years ago. I can just see that stash i gave him wrapped in foil in the freezer lol. im gonna have to call him tomorrow
  19. smokermore

    Trying to Go 1 Week without Smoking Herb

    Thanks for all the replies everyone. Ive been awake for about 8 hours now and still havent smoked. My gf and i already got in a little arguement. It seems when im not high, the littlest things will piss me off. to be honest, i think im about to blaze up right now. im going crazy. I just kno...
  20. smokermore

    Don't Say I Never Gave You Anything= Beardo Hooks You Up

    gimme gimme... i need, i need... i love free stuff