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  1. budznsudz

    Hawaii Growers

    Its beginning to look alot like Christmas , Molokai Frost x Abula frosting up.
  2. budznsudz

    Can I use these clovers as a cover crop?

    Ive read about different clovers used as a cover crop but have yet to see this variety in any pictures or grows. It grows wild in my yard and am wondering if it would be good to seed my pots with these.
  3. budznsudz

    Hawaii Growers

    They are in all my pots , they all are around 2-5 weeks from harvest . I dont notice a difference in growth, but if they are eating the roots im ready to destroy them. Next round probably hit em with azamax . U think it might work?
  4. budznsudz

    Hawaii Growers

    I was wondering what you guys use for curl bugs, never seen them before 2 weeks ago.
  5. budznsudz

    Hawaii Growers

    (Girlscoutcookies x grape punch x supersluttyhayes) x white lotus
  6. budznsudz

    Hawaii Growers

    This was the longest flowering pheno out of my last crop, small kine bud rot but only lost a couple g's. The smoke was smooth and the high dreamy. Didnt get to take a cutting off her , its ok i got more beans and crosses of her to work with. Hope everybodys crops are thriving .The thumbnail...
  7. budznsudz


    Id amend with 1/2 cup kelp 1/2 cup crustacean meal and 1/2 cup of neem seed meal per cubic foot of soil. Also gypsum at 1 cup, basalt 1 cup , crushed oystershells, azomite or volcanic ash at 1 cup per cubic foot. I would also add atleast 20 percent worm or compost to the mix. Ive gotten...
  8. budznsudz

    guys recommend a good outdoor purple....?

    Sannie seeds killing fields , super easy to grow, vigorous, high yeilding , tasty and 4 out of 5 plants were purple. My favorite pheno was green but they were all good
  9. budznsudz

    Best mould resistant indica's

    Black domina , sensi star and hollands hope
  10. budznsudz

    Hawaii Growers

    Excited to see how this one will come out, Molokai Frost x Abula . Loving the quick finishing short season we got right now.
  11. budznsudz

    Hawaii Growers

    I too have witnessed clones come out better than the seed parent, I read somewhere that sativa and sativa dom strains tend to get better as they mature so in a sense the clone will be more mature than the seed parent. Which would produce a more mature and better product imho
  12. budznsudz

    Hawaii Growers

    My guess is that it is, i know it has been in the islands for years.
  13. budznsudz

    Hawaii Growers

    The funny thing is none of the plants came out webbed like the father. Did my research and they said the first generations do not throw out the webbed leafs. Everything looks malawi dominant, gonna make f2's one day to test the theories ive read. This was the father, sorry only pics i could...
  14. budznsudz

    Hawaii Growers

    (Grape punch x gsc) x supersluttyhayes then uses that to cross with banners revenge and white lotus. Also got some malawi gold x hawaiian webbed indica. The most recent cross is the lotus cross with purple columbian. Btw the lotus cross reminds me of supersilverhaze , which is actually my...
  15. budznsudz

    Hawaii Growers

    Been making seeds lately, stoked with all my crosses
  16. budznsudz

    Hawaii Growers

    I'm sure this has been asked before in this thread, I was wondering how you guys deal with slugs and snails. Looking for an organic solution. Mahalo
  17. budznsudz

    Hawaii Growers

    My white lotus crosses are coming along. I have to rig something to cover because it rains nearly everyday and mold will be an issue in the coming weeks. Hope everybody's garden is doing good. Finally started making my own soil mixes and I realize it came out much better than anything I have...
  18. budznsudz

    10 x 10 room need advice

    I love LED lighting and if I can find a good deal I'll go with that. I use it for my veg tent with a small ducting fan for exhaust and a desktop fan for circulation. Light mover is another good option. Would u guys suggest a scrog setup . A friend told me vertical scrogg are most...
  19. budznsudz

    10 x 10 room need advice

    I'm trying to get the most out of this 10 x 10 room. Gonna grow no till style but try name get max yield. Trying to produce some organic prime herb for my patients. I was wondering what kind of lighting to buy. First I was thinking 1000 watt has then I thought 2 600 's. Now I'm thinking of...
  20. budznsudz

    Found my source for free volcanic rock dust

    Ive had different Ssh's but nothing compared to the clone i was gifted by this old Hawaiian lady i met on this site years. Sounds like i need to order from Mr. Nice.