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  1. Rizlared

    I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

    Spot on I do talk sense :)
  2. Rizlared

    I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

    You've only had 6 months or so to grasp this concept so i understand why YOU still still struggle bless ya. Look at it this way Today Man utd played Chelsea I hate both sides. I support neither. By your rationale, me not wanting one side to win means i want the other to win Flawed...
  3. Rizlared

    I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

    Nope. another failure
  4. Rizlared

    I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

    I stand by that comment. Clinton is a problem also. Being anti Clinton does not make me pro bush. Nice try though
  5. Rizlared

    What is Racism?

    hot air
  6. Rizlared

    Dead republicans make me happy

    one simply can't complain about a prejudice whilst being prejudiced without looking idiotic
  7. Rizlared

    I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

    I wish that were true, i really do. Trump is a global problem
  8. Rizlared

    Dead republicans make me happy

    Not wanting to get all dick measury over this... I believe a prejudice is a prejudice. One isn't better than the other. To pre judge someone is damaging. To do so and yet scream and shout about others doing exactly that, is hypocritical. To then discuss terminating them is idiotic. I am...
  9. Rizlared

    I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

    this is true...but his sentiment is a fair one
  10. Rizlared

    Syria distraction.

    a small loan of a million dollars?!? :wall:
  11. Rizlared

    Syria distraction.

    Thanks for this. It'll keep me occupied at work. I've listened to this guy quite a few times, his outlook is a little more to the right than mine (generally) but his use of logic and reason is outstanding at times. Wonderfully analytical
  12. Rizlared

    LA Confidential

    I struggle with the concept of anyone publicly supporting a politician. We know they are full of shit. Let alone fighting in the name of one. I simply can't understand the mentality?!?
  13. Rizlared

    I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

    indeed they do...but i must work :/ It's quaint that people want to recall the fictitious resurrection of a Messiah by purchasing sweet things but a colleague is ill so I'm covering for him.
  14. Rizlared

    What is Racism?

    So moving forward, if we just treated everyone as equals....happy days Equality It's the only way...on all issues between people, not just race
  15. Rizlared

    Truly incredible Trump lovers

    To be fair, he does talk exactly like that. There is zero substance....but then he is (now anyway) a politician
  16. Rizlared

    Truly incredible Trump lovers

    well said
  17. Rizlared

    I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

    Boo trump * that should get me lots of likes
  18. Rizlared

    Dead republicans make me happy

    I am flabbergasted by the 'moral crusaders' on here who, somehow, think their prejudices are ok and rage at the prejudice of others. To the extent they talk of mass exterminations. Fucking idiots
  19. Rizlared

    What is Racism?

    Thanks for taking the time. I couldn't agree with that last paragraph any more than I do. I find it a constant source of frustration how much time, energy and resources are wasted on hate...but divide and conquer has successfully kept the 1% on their perch so its not going to change any time...