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  1. Blue Wizard

    leave a song for the day

  2. Blue Wizard

    Pull those covers up tight

  3. Blue Wizard

    leave a song for the day

  4. Blue Wizard

    Happy Birthday Karah

  5. Blue Wizard

    Metal Heads Unite

  6. Blue Wizard

    Country that don't suck

  7. Blue Wizard

    What Are You Listening To?

  8. Blue Wizard

    Chicken permission

  9. Blue Wizard

    Metal Heads Unite

  10. Blue Wizard

    Scared Me!

  11. Blue Wizard

    Tell me about your Bicycle

    Probably would have had my bike up and running today, minus some adjustments but the cables I bought were too short to reach the rear brake. Everything else is basically done and it would have been done sooner but some of the parts I ordered got lost in the mail.
  12. Blue Wizard

    leave a song for the day

  13. Blue Wizard

    Metal Heads Unite

  14. Blue Wizard

    Random Jabber Jibber thread

  15. Blue Wizard

    What did you accomplish today?

    Mom and dad divorced when I was like 2, when I would go visit dad during holidays and summer break he would attempt to cook. He burned the toast EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I complained and he would just scrap off the burned part with a knife, apparently that's easier than turning the toaster down...
  16. Blue Wizard

    Happy Birthday mysunnyboy

  17. Blue Wizard

    leave a song for the day
