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  1. G

    Sensi Bloom ph levels seem wrong

    Your terminology just created about a week's worth of Googling for me...but with COVID, I've got plenty of time!!
  2. G

    Sensi Bloom ph levels seem wrong

    Several of those colas are about 8 inches long and growing/filling in
  3. G

    Sensi Bloom ph levels seem wrong

    The lighting is pretty bad but there are about 35 colas, all about level with each other. I am going to do some additional tying down and staking to create more space between them.
  4. G

    Sensi Bloom ph levels seem wrong

    This guy:
  5. G

    Sensi Bloom ph levels seem wrong

    VERY encouraging info, thanks guys!
  6. G

    Sensi Bloom ph levels seem wrong

    Just entered week 5 with Blue Dream but I think I will do the journal soon when I try growing white widow. I used LST, lollypopping and a single top crop. Seems like she should be looking better than this by now but I still have 5-6 wks left:
  7. G

    Sensi Bloom ph levels seem wrong

    Everything looks super healthy so it can't be TOO bad, I'm just learning and want to get as great of results as possible. Thank you!!
  8. G

    Sensi Bloom ph levels seem wrong

    I appreciate the input but how do you know you are getting the best yield or not? I'm trying to maximize things and a 5.5 is not a good ph level.
  9. G

    Sensi Bloom ph levels seem wrong

    I'm using Fox Farm Ocean Forest with a little Happy Frog.
  10. G

    Sensi Bloom ph levels seem wrong

    I'm still quite new to this and I am wondering about the sensi bloom ph perfect system and why my runoff is about the same ph as the water going in, around 5-6. Should I be adding something to raise that some? Why do people recommend this when its ph level is 5.5 instead of 6.5?
  11. G

    Why does my flowering plant barely have any odor?

    I'm in week 4 of flowering and this is only my 2nd time growing blue dream. The first time, it stank up the whole house. This time, her odor is extremely minimal and I'm wondering if that is a sign of something wrong. She's been like this from day 1 though, so she is consistent.
  12. G

    Moving light cycle back an hour?

    Okay, I'll trust you on this! Thanks!
  13. G

    Moving light cycle back an hour?

    I am in week 3 of flower and I want to shift my night cycle to start one hour earlier and end one hour earlier. Is this risky? I'm doing it because my timer is crappy and has shifted on its own and the sun comes up and bleeds a bit into the room - not a huge amount, but enough for me to worry.
  14. G

    Prune anymore or not?

    Don't get me TOO excited! I'm just a newbie, so THANKS!
  15. G

    Prune anymore or not?

    I want to know if I should be doing any minor pruning with her at this point, in order to allow more light to the shorter branches. This is a Blue Dream that was cropped, lollipopped and LST'd, and is now 3 weeks into flower. Or should I just cut out the shorter branches altogether or leave...
  16. G

    Sensi Bloom advice

    You aren't supposed to combine the two until you use them but is it okay to put it in a water mixture and gradually pour that over several days - or do you need to use that right away?
  17. G

    Need to increase acidity

    Any recommendations on an additional kick to complement Sensi Bloom?
  18. G

    Need to increase acidity

    That's great, thank you!
  19. G

    Need to increase acidity

    Actually, I already bought that and have been adding it this week. Problem is that I found it was for hydroponics, but I am growing in soil. Should I go ahead and keep using it? It has brought it down from 10 or more.
  20. G

    Need to increase acidity

    I'm looking at around an 8.5-9 on PH and I don't want to hurt my Humboldt Blue Dream plant, almost 2 weeks into flowering. I was looking at Miracid but I'm not sure what formula or if there is a better way. I am also using SensiBloom AB, any recommendations? Thank you!