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  1. Wolf pack

    why are some strains clone only

    I find this to be true most of the time.
  2. Wolf pack

    Club 600

    Happy bday doobie
  3. Wolf pack

    Quantum Kush 38% THC?

    Same as bush with his mutt Both show no respect.....
  4. Wolf pack

    Club 600

    Love it gigs... That walk is the walk of a grown man
  5. Wolf pack

    Club 600

    Yea,my lone gal outdoors has not seen the sun in many moons....nothing but rain. I see her not making it to finish.
  6. Wolf pack

    Club 600

    Looking real sweet doobie.....
  7. Wolf pack

    Club 600

    Hell yes it is,wish I could post some pics..
  8. Wolf pack

    Gage Green Group Info Thread

    Haha..yea that name was a lil out in left field..
  9. Wolf pack

    Gage Green Group Info Thread

    Now the fun part starts,best of vibes on finding something nice.
  10. Wolf pack

    If you happen to see this,I need help with account.

    If you happen to see this,I need help with account.
  11. Wolf pack

    Club 600

    Likes alround for you guys.
  12. Wolf pack

    Breeders Boutique

    Nice score DAT...
  13. Wolf pack

    Club 600

    Getting closer to flipping my room over to all LEC 2160 watts,from 2200 watts of HID Wish I could post pics right now,soon..they are up on this forum.
  14. Wolf pack

    Club Vert(600)

    Super like that post...
  15. Wolf pack

    Club 600

    I been running one for a few grows now,very good lights...
  16. Wolf pack

    Club 600

    From what I have seen(not in person) 3 Apache tech LED Area51 $500+ range per light Both are plug-n-play
  17. Wolf pack

    Club 600

    I think you'll be good.. It's just the footprint is small on them,so you may need a few.
  18. Wolf pack

    Club 600

    From the looks,I'd say LED for veg.... I have seen some nice looking plants under them,with low wattage...not sure on the growth rate.
  19. Wolf pack

    Club Vert(600)

    For me,It comes down to what type of vert I'm gonna be running,and what size light.. With a 1000 I'd do 7-10gal pots,no scrog just stakes for me on them big plants.. 600,I'd go 5-7gal pots,with vert scrog for each pot. I'm not sure how I would run induction in vert...