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  1. GrowerCy

    x9 Blue Amnesia Grow Diary

    DAY 60
  2. GrowerCy

    x9 Blue Amnesia Grow Diary

    DAY 51
  3. GrowerCy

    Is this magnesium deficiency?

    Thank you all for your replies. Yellowing has stopped .Problem resolved.
  4. GrowerCy

    baking powder for ph up

    yes im growing in light mix tap water is 5.75- 5.90.. I will get a ph up in couple of days but i was wondering what i can use now. is it real that organic soils buffer the ph ? I dint din any def 42 days now ..And im frowing autos
  5. GrowerCy

    baking powder for ph up

    thanks for letting me know...can i ask the reason also ?
  6. GrowerCy

    baking powder for ph up

    hello can i use baking powder insteadnof baking soda to ph up my water? i tested it with strips and its raising the ph aswell but im wondering if it will have a negative effect on my plants
  7. GrowerCy

    Is this magnesium deficiency?

    thank you, i will keep an eye on them and see how it goes
  8. GrowerCy

    Is this magnesium deficiency?

    biobizz light mix soil...iv been told that its some nitrogen def .check today photos. I think thats the prob
  9. GrowerCy

    Is this magnesium deficiency?

    sorry i didn't understand .what do you mean ?
  10. GrowerCy

    developing red stems while in flower

    great info on this threat. Thank you guys. Can i ask your oppinion on my plant? do you think that this is mag deficiency? Autoflower day 41
  11. GrowerCy

    Is this magnesium deficiency?

    hello guys,can you please tell me if this is magnesium deficiency ? Its day 42 of a 65-70 full life cycle autoflower. Or is it normal at this stage ?
  12. GrowerCy

    x9 Blue Amnesia Grow Diary

    Day 39 : Question: Is this sign of light stress on this plant in the corner ? Yesterday i added another marshydro 600 so now im running 540 true watt in the tent instead of 400 true watt till yesterday.
  13. GrowerCy

    x9 Blue Amnesia Grow Diary

    UPDATE: DAY 37 I will update more photos later in afternoon after i do some LST
  14. GrowerCy

    Question about drooping leaves

    how can i ooverwater it if im only watering with 500-700 ml every 2-3 days when its dry in a smart pot :/ This happening since the beginning..they droop for couple of hours and next day they are okay
  15. GrowerCy

    Question about drooping leaves

    Is it normal for leaves to be drooping for couple of hours after watering ? i have 9 plants in 2 gal smarts pots and almost always when i water them (every 2-3 days when they dry) their leaves droop for couple of hours .Im giving them 700ml of water each right now but as you see in the second...
  16. GrowerCy

    x9 Blue Amnesia Grow Diary

    i will move them in a 3,5x3,5x4 grow tent in about a week...the bathroom on the photo is 2x2 . today photos
  17. GrowerCy

    x9 Blue Amnesia Grow Diary

    Update : DAY 27
  18. GrowerCy

    x9 Blue Amnesia Grow Diary

    Thanks for the reply man :) i will try to find a palet if thats good for the pots to be raised.
  19. GrowerCy

    x9 Blue Amnesia Grow Diary

    Hello guys, Welcome to my grow :) i will keep posting pictures and videos on this threat to share the progress of the grow with you.Feel free to ask/suggest me anything :) Strain:Auto Blue Amnesia(Ministry of Cannabis seeds) Soil:Biobizz Light Mix Nutes: Bio grow,algamic,Bio bloom,Top...
  20. GrowerCy

    Which Mephisto?

    2 meizhi 600 (250 true watt each).I will grow in canna coco with canna nutes probably.