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  1. polo the don

    Biggest growing auto???

    I know I can do it! These are some beasts right now. I just transplanted into 5gal buckets from 2gal smartpots. Ima give em a couple weeks to get situated in their new home and flip them bitches. If they were photos they would yield AT LEAST 8oz each but being supposed autos I don't know. I...
  2. polo the don

    please dwc help

    Hey @INK ARTCERRATED Is this your first semester in horticulture?
  3. polo the don

    please dwc help

    Then where would he put the "mennos"??
  4. polo the don

    Lost and dry in CNY :-(

    What/where is CNY?
  5. polo the don

    Daily spectrum change??

    If you cut out all extras for a month or so you could have enough cash to buy some decent growing equipment. Like every time you'd buy a sac put that money in a jar instead. If you smoke cigarettes instead of buying a pack everyday put that amount of money in the jar. Don't go to McDonalds...
  6. polo the don

    Biggest growing auto???

    I have 2 that didn't auto. They are in my veg room and I been thinking about putting them in my flower room and leave them there till finish but I'm worried about decreased yield on 12/12. So do you think if I did like you did and put them on 12/12 for a week then back to my veg room,18/6, id...
  7. polo the don

    The Leprechaun's Pot O Gold

    That beast is a beast. Very nice. Lots of mass gained in 9 or 10 days!
  8. polo the don

    i added perilite and coco coir to my soil so does that ...

    Coco is not soil. Perlite is not soil. You've been soilless all along.
  9. polo the don

    Unknown Kind Bud

    Nice report. Good format, short N' sweet, to the point and still covered all the valid points.
  10. polo the don

    Does Isopropyl extraction create a legal compound?

    Thanks for the advice bro. I grabbed the 91% but I ain't a problem to get some 99. I'll get it done, I'm kinda excited to try something new.
  11. polo the don

    GG Bastard Series - Colombian Gold

    We may have given you a lil advice from time to time but you did your homework before you even cracked the first seed. I wish more new growers would do that. Example, I seen a Thread the other day where the guy popped 30 seeds THEN he tried to learn what to do to grow them bass akwards
  12. polo the don

    GG Bastard Series - Colombian Gold

    Lots of good stuff in they post. You are reading your plants, that's an important part of growing. Sativas can be super fucking picky, I'm glad all women ain't that picky or I'd never get any pussy. With good lighting and health of a plant the bottom buds can and will be as developed as the...
  13. polo the don

    GroErr Grows...

    He has his grow spaces and knows how how to make the most of them. Great work.
  14. polo the don

    Does Isopropyl extraction create a legal compound?

    Thanks Bro, makes sense just do it the same way I'd smoke hash. Ok, simple.
  15. polo the don

    Does Isopropyl extraction create a legal compound?

    I have a question, how do you smoke ISO? I have PLENTY of bud and I bought some ISO alcohol to do an ISO extraction but then realized that I wouldn't know what in the hell to do with it once I have it. I'm from the south and I'm 40's, never seen it, we just don't do that kinda stuff 'round here.
  16. polo the don

    Light ???

    I'm working my ass off to be part of that 1%
  17. polo the don

    what's your opinion on Nirvana?

    Don't you have a whole room dedicated to nirvana? One of those __?K rooms? IDK, maybe I don't remember correctly, very likely, lol. My experience with nirvana is shitty germ rates and the plants I have managed to grow from them have been average at best. I was not impressed after about the 3...
  18. polo the don

    Light ???

    QUESTION: ANSWER: No need to be rude. Personally, if my setup permitted, I would run MH the first 2-3 weeks after the switch to 12/12 then HPS untill the last 2 weeks of flowering when I'd switch back to MH till finish.
  19. polo the don

    Big Band / Micro / Stealth / Scrog / Led / DWC / Kannabia

    It outgrew the wipe box I see. How were the roots looking when you moved it from the wipe box to the new home? Sure is a nice looking bush!
  20. polo the don

    Turning the lights off for a landlord inspection.

    Just turn them off when he arrives and turn them back on when he leaves. No problem.