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  1. indican3

    Who's using General Organics

    I have it and use it on my plants. I don't have any experience using it with coco though, I use it with soil peat compost mixes. Works great for that, no ph monitoring with organics, generally a healthy soil mix will take care of that.
  2. indican3

    Are you in BLOOM Yet? Tis the month!

    Edit: oh you mean for the smell? no. Next time!
  3. indican3

    Chuckers paradise......

    Male Lions Milk just showed sex
  4. indican3

    Are you in BLOOM Yet? Tis the month!

    Sharksbreath, about 2 weeks into bloom. I can't smell anything yet, probably the only strain of mine that doesn't have the skunky smell.
  5. indican3

    bodhi seeds

    Got a male!!! Actually 2/3 of my Lions Milk plants were male, luckily one of the males was a runt who wasn't getting enough sunlight anyway so I yanked it today. This male's a beaut!! I have high hopes for it pun intended.
  6. indican3

    Canada grow log 2016

    image link is broken
  7. indican3

    Chuckers paradise......

    I'm kind of mad I only now just ventured into this thread. I thought there was a company named Chuckers Paradise, but this is much more interesting
  8. indican3

    Canada grow log 2016

    Outdoor plants are definitely not the girls team if we're using that analogy lol, but they're harder to tame, more unpredictable and can be more unkempt so they "look great for growing outside".
  9. indican3

    Clones are Struggling

    So they all died. Moving on... I'm glad I got the feedback here about the dense substrate, here's round 2 :blsmoke: Wet towels underneath the pots. The thing about the humidity dome is I wonder how long should it be on for? For the first couple days sure but won't the soil not dry out if...
  10. indican3

    Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

    Saw this on reddit, hottest month in 136 years of continuous record. Here's every month since 1880
  11. indican3

    Need Coffee Grounds for your Compost?

    I guess the type of beans and roast to will make it difficult to accurately predict acidity levels, too variable
  12. indican3

    Need Coffee Grounds for your Compost?

    Was somewhat addressed in the article
  13. indican3

    Need Coffee Grounds for your Compost?

    I haven't read through it all but my go to garden source, You Bet Your Garden, will give you some info on that Main point is: "samples of raw coffee grounds they've tested over the years all had a pH below 5, too acidic for even...
  14. indican3

    Yeah! It's Bud Worm Season. Pics

    Questions First season growing outdoor in Southern Ontario Canada, I went to my local hydroponics store and asked about bud worm and if they sold anything. Guy looked really puzzled, he'd been there for over a decade and said he never heard of anyone really with budworm issue and had nothing...
  15. indican3

    Need Coffee Grounds for your Compost?

    I remember seeing said bags at a local Starbucks, probably 2 years ago and was pretty surprised they were free, wasn't interested in gardening at the time but thought it was cool. I don't think you need much though, 5lbs would really increase the amount of N in mixture, maybe too much for a...
  16. indican3

    Who OWNS a Marshydro unit thoughts concerns regrets?

    2 growing seasons so far. 1st season, same setup, I grew tomatoes, beans etc and had the light 4ft above soil the entire grow from seed, growing 12/12 2nd season (this season) the light is 15" lower (why not?) so far vegging/blooming is great
  17. indican3

    Who OWNS a Marshydro unit thoughts concerns regrets?

    Pretty sure if I own a Mars light, could be the Mars 1? It was never branded as Mars at the time of purchase but I think it is that. I absolutely love it...
  18. indican3

    Tom Ford Strain

    Found some here:
  19. indican3

    Tom Ford Strain

    Damn it's hard to tell from only seeing the dry bud that looks like it could be it! The color seems to be there to. Awesome, now I'll keep my eyes peeled for a pack, would love to grow it
  20. indican3

    Are you in BLOOM Yet? Tis the month!

    Northern Lights - Week 3/4 flower Southern Ontario Cracked the stem off a tiny bud while laying down some topsoil, oops. I have a Northern Lights clone that's in bloom, guess I'll attempt to reveg.