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  1. F

    The far red thread

    That's interesting.. I would like to try it. I would run 660 and 730 together for the full lights on, and then just the 730 15 additional minutes after lights out. Someone was saying that the plant knows it's morning when the 660 comes out in the a.m. has anyone tried to run just the 660 for 15...
  2. F

    The far red thread

    Or is there already enough 660 in say a cob cxb 3590 3500k that it wouldn't need to be supplemented?
  3. F

    The far red thread

    Forgive me if i didn't read this entire thread... I got to about page 10. I want to ask a question about the Emerson Effect that didn't seem to be discussed in detail except for a mention here and there. From my understanding; What the Emerson effect is this: Using 680nm as a starting point...
  4. F

    Cutter Electronics: Complete DIY COB kits

    @Growmau5 When you use your far red what spectrum do you use and how many LED's do you use? If I want to incorporate the far red into my light fixture for my 4 x 6 area, how many far red lights should I throw in there?
  5. F

    Cutter Electronics: Complete DIY COB kits

    okay cool that makes sense I'm anxious to try this out. I have to build a whole new room and all so I have a lot of work to do but I will do a journal on it for sure.
  6. F

    Cutter Electronics: Complete DIY COB kits

    @Growmau5 thanks for all the great info man you do some great wor for the cannabis community! Im getting a system all priced out. Now I can't stop reading about the emerson effect lol. I'm Def going to incorporate some far red lights into my build. Do you run them just at the last 15 minutes? Or...
  7. F

    Top bin COB comparison 2

    Whats up guys, Just joined RIU. Forgive me for being a complet noob when it comes to leds. I was all set to pull the trigger on building out a light for my 4 x 6 canopy and was going to use 24 3500k cxb 3590's with individual heat sinks. If I use a long shared heat sink would I be better off...
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    Whats up man. Glad to be here.
  9. F


    Whats up guys! I just wanted to say hey. I'm here to learn and contribute with the (small amount of ) knowledge I myself have gained over the past few years. I'm somewhat new to this, its only been about 3 years for me. I tend to stay towards the organics side when doing things.. I have read...
  10. F

    Cutter Electronics: Complete DIY COB kits

    Okay, I just went through and read a lot of this thread that I did not read before... my bad. I think that kit is mint and I am going to order a few of them. Def considering going with a 4 x 6 area now to keep the cost down a little. If I order 6 of the kits for a 4x6 that's enough for one led...
  11. F

    Cutter Electronics: Complete DIY COB kits

    I apologize if this has been answered.
  12. F

    Cutter Electronics: Complete DIY COB kits

    Whats up guys, I just joined rollitup today.. I've been in the shadows for a few years and this site has helped me out a ton! I have an account over on 420 mag too. Growmau I stumbled on your youtube videos today and watched like 3 hours of them. I am building a new room in a new location and...