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  1. P

    what do you guys think of the new 660nm cree leds

    What do you guys think of the actual efficiency of these new 660/670nm crees compared to the 630nms? With the increased photosynthesis rate would it be worth sacrificing efficiency with these?
  2. P

    what do you guys think of the new 660nm cree leds

    good to see someone else is thinking of trying these out, what other leds are you going to be pairing the 660nm crees with? just out of curiosity :)
  3. P

    what do you guys think of the new 660nm cree leds

    i just went for them as everyone was having good results with the xgs-190 thought they would compliment my custom chinese 3w led panels till i can afford to get a new panel made with the deep red crees to replace the chinese leds as i would imagine the crees are twice the efficiency just wasn't...
  4. P

    what do you guys think of the new 660nm cree leds

    i got the 3 20 led pcbs (100w max each) with the same XTEAWT-02-0000-00000BFF6 leds as the xgs-190 and 5x 60 led pcbs from for $120 to uk so maybe you would get it cheaper to the US as $50 fo the cost was the shipping. would these XPGBWT-H1-0000-00GE7 go well with the...
  5. P

    what do you guys think of the new 660nm cree leds

    well im always wanting to try different things, tried and tested is fine for some but i would rather go to try something new as theres always room for improvement on the spectrum maybe adding the 660nm might make for even denser buds, maybe i'll get lucky and get a great spectrum
  6. P

    what do you guys think of the new 660nm cree leds

    Still not really convinced by the cxa 3070's. I know they are efficient lights but still feel it's sticking to the hps philosophy of blasting the plants with a much light as possible without necessarily going with the best spectrum as the 3000k do have plenty of 630nm just not much 660nm
  7. P

    what do you guys think of the new 660nm cree leds

    maybe get another couple of panels built with 1/4 670nm 2/4 3750k 1/4 5000k? see how they do against my panels with just 3750k i bet this could beat the red white spectrum on the RW-150 LED Grow Light from area 51 as there using 630nm and i think the extra blue in the 5000k would maybe stop...
  8. P

    what do you guys think of the new 660nm cree leds

    ive now spotted that cree do deep red 650-670nm red leds do you guys think it'll be worth using these along with my 3750k leds over 630nm red cree leds? XPEPHR-L1-0000-00901
  9. P

    What are the best cree leds

    was thinking of getting one of the bigger cree leds as you guys have alll had some pretty nice looking plants under them but i saw 1 of the crees on datasheet for xml2 which stuck out for the spectrum and says XMLBWT-00-0000-000HT50E7 80-CRI White 2600 K-4300 K 357 lumen at 1000ma seems like...
  10. P

    What are the best cree leds

    Hi guys as the title says what would be the best cree led lights to use all the way through a grow? I have just recieve my custom cree panels which are the same 3750k leds the xgs-190 uses but paid $120 for them shipped as people seem to have good results just wondered if there is better...
  11. P

    Led lights that work

    The leds I got on the panel are Warm White 3750k XTEAWT-02-0000-00000BFF6 but that is the maximim wattage so I will probably drive the 3 panels at between 150 and 200w
  12. P

    Led lights that work

    i've currently got 3 100w 3750k cree pcbs in the mail that i got custom made using the same cree leds as the area 51 xgs 190 that cost me $120 all im going to need to do is get an Arctic Freezer 11 cooler for heat dissipation and these will hopefully get me some killer bud with all the hype over...
  13. P

    Led lights that work

    with this light you posted i'm not understanding the point of it having 850nm in the panel as far as i'm aware that has no real purpose to plants, a small amount of far red (730nm) in conjunction with deep red (660nm) certainly do alot to get the plants shooting up. in my latest custom spectrum...
  14. P

    270W LED Stealth Grow - White Widow

    That isn't cree led panel that is just similar to an apollo grow light. Did you get any custom spectrum or is it just 450/630nm leds?
  15. P

    LED recommendations?

    these are the other led pcbs that i ordered, were only $2 each so bought a few that probably going to sell on
  16. P

    help with choosing the best additives

    ive got several different things i have access to add to my peat free compost which are best to add and how much of each should i be adding? coco coir worm castings perlite vermaculite dolomite lime ground up egg shells calcified see weed chicken manure pellets horse manure pellets rock dust
  17. P

    LED recommendations?

    ive ordered 3 of these 20 xte led panels and 5 pcbs for 60x3w leds for $130 hoping to combine 2 of the 60 led panels and the cree led panels in my tent see what my plants turn out like.I ordered from this company which i started talking to when putting out a request for cree led panels on...
  18. P

    LED recommendations?

    i have just ordered 3 100w panels using the same 3750k leds the area 51 XGS-190 uses and that cost me $120 but i would recommend something like the 400w mars II for your grow area as that is just over $200 and gives very good performance.
  19. P

    280W Apollo8 vs. A51 XGS 190

    i've just ordered a panel with 60 of the 5w 3750k cree leds that the xgs uses for $120 over getting an apollo 8 and i will be running at around 200w which will hopefully not produce too much heat. Your plants under the xgs do look healthier so hopefully i made the right decision in choosing this...
  20. P

    how much fr(730nm)?

    Hi guys ive built my own led panels up until now using 3w leds but getting a 220w panel built with custom spectrum and ive been told that adding 730nm leds can affect the way the plant buds in a possitive way but when vegging the far red makes the plant stretch so how much would be best to have...