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  1. D

    no signs week 3 flower

    ball busting was meant as a took 10 days for the medium to dry after flushing bc of a nitrogen toxicity during veg..its not like they were soaked for 10 days had to be done even though i didnt want to..i knew the issues were going to slow growth and i wanted to flip...
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    no signs week 3 flower

    watering is done every 5 days or so when the medium is dry enough..feeding is done every 3rd watering and only at 1/4 strength bc of my N issues before so i dont want to overdo it on the N again and end up with nute lockout which i had to flush twice to fix it so i had to let it dry for at least...
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    no signs week 3 flower

    I was counting 60 days from germ..but i've seen vids and read about flowering at only 4 weeks into veg which is what most autos do how can a 60 day veg (or 46-53 days) be too short for a photo when it's not too short for an auto?..that doesn't make sense to me..but i suppose thats...
  4. D

    no signs week 3 flower

    timer has been set at 11:30 12:30 and will leave it there permanently..there has been a couple times when i had to re-adjust the timing so im usually on top of that. I appreciate your help.Thanks man.
  5. D

    no signs week 3 flower

    My timer is not digitial..i guess you would call it analog which has 30 minute intervals..i will try 11:30 on 12:30 off for a week and see what happens..maybe the timer is not exact to the minute..hopefully that will work..thanks EL
  6. D

    no signs week 3 flower

    There are no light leaks..i made sure of that before i flipped..I also use a timer.. Plants are healthy with no signs of any issues,youtube is my friend:) At 60 days veg how can they be too young?.sure the temps are relatively low and veg growth was a bit slow but they should still flower. I've...
  7. D

    no signs week 3 flower

    hi guys..I have 4 green crack going..3 in promix,1 in miracle grow..all vegged for about 60 days and started bloom feed when flipped..temps around 60-65,rh is around 50-60,ph is normally between 6.3 and 6.8. Using 2 300w leds calibrated mostly in the red spectrum at about 24 inches height and...
  8. D

    short and bushy slow growth

    will post more pics in a week or 2
  9. D

    short and bushy slow growth

    Thanks and will do!
  10. D

    short and bushy slow growth

    ya i decided against halfway or more through veg now..maybe on my next grow,ive read green crack does best under 20/4 24/0 anyway so either one will be next..thanks for the input though
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    short and bushy slow growth

    ya it gets pretty cold at night here sometimes..going down to about 12-14 celcius..its not an issue for me but i know my ladies have hard nipples!..will try 24/0 for a bit and see what happens.
  12. D

    short and bushy slow growth

    the food tabs i have were left over from an auto grow a couple years back..i didnt want to waste them so i gave em a definitely gonna toss em now and get real about this shit..i have 2 heaters but they are almost never on as i am big believer in saving money at all costs..summer grow...
  13. D

    short and bushy slow growth

    Actually i bought a 150 watt infrared heat lamp a few years ago and never used was put away and forgotten about. Thanks for reminding me!:)
  14. D

    short and bushy slow growth

    I knew i was gonna have relatively slow growth due to low temps in my house..but i also noticed some yellowing of leaf tips today so i think im just gonna cut out feeding altogether as i do have a veg tab in each..just ph'd water from now on until a week before flower with 20% runoff and pray i...
  15. D

    short and bushy slow growth

    they are only getting ph'd water for a while..It may have something to do with the Nirvana Veg tab i put in each one,only fed a couple times bc i was thinking they didnt really need it and the feedings were only about 75% full strength and never thought it would hurt them..was trying to be on...
  16. D

    short and bushy slow growth

    the absolute furthest i can put the lights is 31 1/2 inches from the canopy because of the hanging cables which are hanging from steel hooks..i use attached chains to put them very low if i have to..the top of my box is removable so i can always build another foot or so onto it if need be..i...
  17. D

    short and bushy slow growth

    I did last night,its about 30 inches away now..grow box is 3.5x3.5x6 so i have lots of hate to defoliate unless its absolutely necessary..raising the light makes sense..duh! jt
  18. D

    short and bushy slow growth

    sickly lettuce..i know :)
  19. D

    short and bushy slow growth

    lights are usually 12-15 inches away..i always thought the idea is to have lights as close as possible without light burn for a dense and bushy plant...i grew a few autos that were pretty easy but this is my first photo period grow..its a learning process right now and yes, they were...
  20. D

    short and bushy slow growth

    hey on my first ever real grow with 3 green plants are 8-10 inches tall and all were topped after 3rd node..but the fan leaves are so wide now it seems the light cant penetrate to the lower using 2 300w leds and my girls seem to love it but height growth is very...