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  1. CH2k

    Transplant shock sad plants please help

    I looked for these everywhere but it was sold in most local websites in my country (Iran) and their prices can be a lot here, maybe next paycheck.
  2. CH2k

    Transplant shock sad plants please help

    the pot size went from 6 L to 20 L after I detected 3 sets of leaves, I think I was too impatient regarding its health and you're right i think I killed it with love... this sucks, I'm gonna just leave it and forget it ,everything's automated anyways.
  3. CH2k

    Transplant shock sad plants please help

    one thing I noticed is that the top of one leave that is curling at the bottom has more color density at the tip like a lot (under the light it looks surprisingly more green) can this be some sort of nutrient toxicity ?
  4. CH2k

    Transplant shock sad plants please help

    I use one of those gardeners sensors for it's moisture and only water when its drying and its not near the wet side at the root level almost in the middle unless i go way deeper. (I did the finger test and the weight test but I still wanted to be sure so I bought this thing) what do I do ?
  5. CH2k

    Transplant shock sad plants please help

    today... its getting worst.
  6. CH2k

    Transplant shock sad plants please help

    oh no that's just few milliliters of sand on top it got a bit fly heavy at the start.
  7. CH2k

    Transplant shock sad plants please help

    as was in the guides I germinated them in a tissue after root was out, I put it in a small pot same mix as above (potting mix 30% perlite with 10 % pit moss and sulfur weeks prior to transplant to adjust its ph. I used a chunk of its own medium and put it in the new pot where the roots were...
  8. CH2k

    Transplant shock sad plants please help

    oh I didn't yank it I slowly dig with my fingers around the site to see the color, I picked the dome up this morning and regarding the lights it was in the guide to lower the light after transplant their main light is 1k panel, should i just put it under that ? and sadly I live in a sanctioned...
  9. CH2k

    Transplant shock sad plants please help

    Hello I'm sorry I'm really worried my seedling got transplanted 4 days ago and It's still very droopy with no sign of recovery. I inspected the roots 2 times once when I was putting it in and 2th time 3 hours ago with a friend we both saw white strings. the soil is potting mix, 30% perlite, some...