Is there a second amendment for explosives? Just wondering if there's any prohibition on nitroglycerine, ANFO, etc. Guns are for pussies. Real men use explosives.
That's nonsense. I've proved it by the fact that my own seeds from my own strains sown in the same medium have thrived while alongside them Nirvana seeds have begun and then stopped and died. Old seed does that. It expends all its energy to germinate and then can't continue. I can grow seed that...
EXACTLY what I've had repeatedly from Nirvana seeds. They all germinate but out of ten, only one or two continue, the rest die. I think it's old seed not stored properly.
To answer the original question, it is not just light. The plants sense temperature, I'm sure they can tell what season it is. Root conditions reflect outdoor seasons whereas indoor, nothing changes.
You will get a burst of growth and then it will settle down again. That root photo is typical of plastic pots. I'm changing to felt pots, the difference in yield is remarkable.
Here in Mexico where 10% sinsemilla is selling for $10/ounce at the half-pound buy, I don't see any market at all except in added-value products such as edibles.
To get back to the original question, which doesn't seem to have been answered, you can start in peat moss. It's acidic, trying to use it for a complete grow, well I have never tried but I should think nutrient problems due to the low pH.