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    Fuck the bickering!!!!!

    The 4th book [from the top will get you started. The others on compost/nutes/micro-organisms are the science involved in compost. Long as you are reading...look up "bio-char"...charcoal as a soil amendment---- another ancient "new" technique....prolly older than composting.
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    reveg question

    yes!!!! I had a reveg 7ft in diameter and 4ft tall with almost no training. When it regrows, all of the nodes may try to veg, even the ones in the buds, and they tend to grow laterally more than tall. almost exactly one year ago
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    Mexican brick bagseed: Growing out the schwagg.

    Hi all, I don't know what is Mexican where you live...but I can see ours coming across the border. If it's US grown, they are going to some trouble.... anyway...Mex bagseed grows some pretty good meds. this was a winter grow...basically a 12/12 out doors ant the plants tried to finish on...
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    Fuck the bickering!!!!!

    I have to respect the results, but dayam! that's a bunch of cash for nutes. indoors is a very different realm and I don't know squat about it...exept it is much more complicated and sciency than outdoors.
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    How to deal with Thrips?

    Hi Hydra, I'm getting the little bastard in my garden, too. IF we are talking about the same critter...DE. What I am calling thrips, is a small insect. crawl on the leaves, make yellow spot with clusters of little black spots in the yellowed area. Tend to crawl from top too bottom of the...
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    Super Lemon Haze in a Phototron

    no need..I just move that lady into the cabin next to the grow as security..she baaaaad
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    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    I know your pain...that was me all last season...waiting and watching and using commercial Mex as last resort....
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    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    Hey Mid! DK here....yeah I still come around to get the local stuff
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    Super Lemon Haze in a Phototron

    you've seen the area...pretty rural "town". firearms are normal. Everybody is packin' does have a chilling effect...
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    Super Lemon Haze in a Phototron

    Hi Dr Amber, Holy shites, honey. I can't imagine packing a wound on one's face. Damn!!!! My best to you. thought you might enjoy the shot of my babies. It's gonna be big this year. 7 strains...9 can do the math. got an SSV and Solo and love vaping.
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    Super Lemon Haze in a Phototron

    Hi DrAmber
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    cvault, curing and storagecontainer

    I was a little disappointed, too. But the quantity was there... and after 6 months using it of still works quite well. that plant didn't rot in that fizzled hurricane we got late last season. . this is fairly representative...
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    cvault, curing and storagecontainer

    it would we nice if we could get them in gallons. The qts only hold an oz. or so. Some folks have to deal with larger quantities. I have a wooden cabinet. The wood tempers the humidity some. Better than you might think, actually.
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    MMJ with Grow Rights seeking caregiver

    tis a shame isn't it. We are supposed to help and support each other.... ...ooops.!!!! A little bit of latent hippy in me sorry
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    Deadline apart of the law?

    I don't know if that suit will affect me or don't....again IF this challenge is allowed,that means the law is flexible. They set the precedent....Give and take... allow another year for dispensaries to open. BUT they must allow ALL patients grow rights, regardless of dispensary location. That's...
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    Deadline apart of the law?

    ...but IF the lawsuit is allowed, for better [or worse] there is some "flexibility". about this 25mile rule? Ya think there is flex when it comes to that?
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    Looking for true portable vape baby! Cera experience?

    Getting a discrete portable vape that will do concentrates as well as herbal is a tall order. Arizer Solo is good for hebal. It isn't terribly discrete...about the size of a RedBull can. But proven.
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    Help with seedling issues

    It may relate...or not...\ ...I had some corn plants come up was genetic. And they didn't prosper. No chlorophyll. Looked like big variegated spider plants or dracaena..
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    Super Lemon Haze in a Phototron

    FWIW the babies look like they are running on the dry side.The bags may be letting your medium dry/drain faster that you are used to. I'm battling a lighter mix in my garden....With the high temps and low R/H, it was 1% at 5PM yesterday... Keeping water at the plants is a challenge.
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    Super Lemon Haze in a Phototron

    Hi Amber, I grow organic....and not all of the products are are good/easy....I lost my whole first planting to a new [to me] "organic potting mix"... I agree with going back to what you know. You have had great success. Experiment around, when your confidence is up...maybe do some "practice...