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  1. .RootDown

    2nd: small tent, soil, Quantum Boards +blue +UV

    I like yours, too. I had a Mars Hydro I considered doing something like that. Looks like you have a larger space than I'm currently running in.
  2. .RootDown

    2nd: small tent, soil, Quantum Boards +blue +UV

    AUG04 DAY36 VEG Wow already five weeks in to VEG. Still planning on eight, but am experiencing dissenting opinion. Lighting: no changes to UV this week (still 3x 5mins) but did increase the whites to 200W, 630umoles. The spectrum didn't change all that much. She got bushy as hell. Here was...
  3. .RootDown

    WTF is going on with seedling roots growing straight up in the air?

    ¿uıɐɹʇs uɐlıɐɹʇsnɐ uɐ ƃuıʍoɹƃ noʎ ǝɹɐ
  4. .RootDown

    2nd: small tent, soil, Quantum Boards +blue +UV

    Great to have you along cheezy! JUL28 DAY29 VEG Tomorrow is one month of VEG. I'll probably veg another month. Not much new this week. I turned on the red spectrum to induce some stretching, this girl is too bushy. The leaves don't like being on top of each other. I also increased the UV, part...
  5. .RootDown

    Defoliate or not?

    Probably about a pound from each plant. easy.
  6. .RootDown

    2nd: small tent, soil, Quantum Boards +blue +UV

    And now the revised Spectral Distribution, QB288v2 180W Blue and Red supplements fully dimmed This is 570umoles from 30" height. Hindsight: I oversized the drivers for the supplements. The only way to improve the spectrum is to increase power to the whites, but I don't know how much she...
  7. .RootDown

    Chasing VPD with LED

    Feeling cute. Might delete later.
  8. .RootDown

    Defoliate or not?

    Do you see better yields with this method? You certainly have more experience than I do, and you have my respect, but I don't subscribe to this technique. Aren't the leaves solar collectors? How do the flowers compare to the leaves when it comes to absorbing photons?
  9. .RootDown

    Defoliate or not?

    I wouldn't do much, they look great.
  10. .RootDown

    Chasing VPD with LED

    Yes, it's pretty thick! I can breathe, but it's like being in a greenhouse for sure. When I tend to the garden I keep the closet door closed to maintain the environment as best as I can, and upon exit the air conditioning feels great! I've had to mess around with the extraction rate to maintain...
  11. .RootDown

    Chasing VPD with LED

    So I've been focusing on VPD for this grow, and things seem to be working pretty well so far. Growth has been vigorous, leaves praying etc. The only issues I've seen are some of the older leaves twisting and curling...
  12. .RootDown

    HELP - size of grow tent for this cHi, interested in my first grow. I have decided to use mloset!!!

    Remove the shelves. Put them aside with the screws and brackets, it's not to big of a deal to put them back up. Otherwise you're limited by the height of the shelf and if you pull the tent forward you've lost a bunch of space behind it. There are several reasons to consider a tent in a closet...
  13. .RootDown

    2nd: small tent, soil, Quantum Boards +blue +UV

    Current spectral output, blue fully dimmed white 180W, no red.
  14. .RootDown

    2nd: small tent, soil, Quantum Boards +blue +UV

    wow, those pictures from last week look different! Posting in this weekly format works pretty well for me. JUL21 DAY22 VEG On Day 16 I changed the light spectrum a bit, more white (180W) and kept the blue strip unchanged. I also raised the fixture to 30" and am working with 470umoles at the...
  15. .RootDown

    Changing a flowering room from HPS to LED

    Apogee MQ-500. Its quantum sensor is capable of reading both conventional and LED sources.
  16. .RootDown

    sharing my modified subcool super soil recipe

    Researching organics for my next run, stumbled on this thread. Are you still active here, and if so how about an update? @sidewing
  17. .RootDown

    2nd: small tent, soil, Quantum Boards +blue +UV

    JUL13 DAY14VEG So here's my overall strategy- I'm not going to rush VEG. I think creating a great plant in the vegetative stage sets the grow up for success in flower. Having said that, I was having second thoughts on how long I've waited to top (the week before last), prune, or begin LST for...
  18. .RootDown

    2nd: small tent, soil, Quantum Boards +blue +UV

    Thanks SMT69 and Teeberry, great to have you along. If I had room to do a side by side I'd be growing more than one plant. My wife suggested we convert a whole room to growing, but I limited myself to a closet. Side note: HLG was super cool about getting my blue strip replaced. They couldn't...
  19. .RootDown

    2nd: small tent, soil, Quantum Boards +blue +UV

    JUL7 Day8 VEG So lowering the lamp to 24" (310umoles) was ok, but moving to 18" (380umoles) three days later was not good. It was too fast of a move, and she began experiencing heat stress. The following day the medium got a bit too dry as well- raised light to 20" (340umoles) and watered. The...