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  1. chewberto

    Injecting Marijuanas

    Eww gross. I'm never eating Dog Again...
  2. chewberto

    Stuff to do in your spare time...

    What do YOU guys do in your spare time?
  3. chewberto

    Stuff to do in your spare time...

  4. chewberto

    fuck my partners

    You never tell the guy you're gonna punch him in the face, you just do it.... Now he's gonna find a way to punch you in the face first.
  5. chewberto

    Who has the biggest penis on RIU contest

    You guys still counting my penis in here?
  6. chewberto

    fuck my partners

    Technically 50% grade is an F bro! So....
  7. chewberto

    Thinking of giving my daughter dreads?

    Pics or it didn't happen ;)
  8. chewberto

    Thinking of giving my daughter dreads?

    I don't know! Isn't she part Asian? I'm pretty sure Asians can't grow dreads... Ever met one? No racist bro!
  9. chewberto

    fuck my partners

    I Bet you feel like a real first class dummy trying to act all smart and shit. lol
  10. chewberto

    fuck my partners

    Nailed it. You're doing very good with your Grammar.
  11. chewberto

    fuck my partners

    Also, it's "Slip your dog in him."
  12. chewberto

    fuck my partners

    Like I said, Nope.... It's "Your". Schooled...
  13. chewberto

    fuck my partners

  14. chewberto

    fuck my partners

    It's only gay if his penis is face up while you're doing butt Secks. I thought I told you...
  15. chewberto

    fuck my partners

    Stink your dog on em...
  16. chewberto

    how do i grow weed and whom is swim sell it to when i make lost of weed?

    I fucking hate when people call it a "Strand" and they feed it "nuts" ... Nuts are high in Protein, but not NPK...
  17. chewberto

    fuck my partners

    This is stupid! I would fuck him in the ass. That will teach him to open his Anus...
  18. chewberto

    Smoking , drankin, and being fat den a bitch!!

    Real beer? Lol Guinness contains high fructose corn syrup and like 4.5% alcohol. It's actually not even beer... You want something similar you drink a left hand Nitro Milk Stout. 6.5% and no cancer... Namaste Motherfucker
  19. chewberto

    Do rainbows have friends?

    Fish are people too...
  20. chewberto

    What should I sell?

    About a man who is Lost, and needs some guidance. And also "shit, blood, and cum on my hands" I've....come....round....full Circle...