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  1. B

    This is getting SO OLD! Mitezilla!

    I had those mites bad on some trainwreck in a tent but they were testers really. I had at one point so much weed it wasn’t funny so not a big deal to cut a couple. I will fog this building and leave hvac on to pull it thru cuz I read mites r wind surfer like tiny spiders they make silk that wind...
  2. B

    This is getting SO OLD! Mitezilla!

    He’ll yea I just looked it up I’ll get that!
  3. B

    This is getting SO OLD! Mitezilla!

    Yes do a tester plant or leaf with the alcohol! I mixed 10-15 ml alcohol to my dawn water spray and burnt the crap out the lower tender leaves. Been dropping them like it’s fall, may have been the soap alcohol combo tho not sure. And life cycle is 3 days to hatch, 5-7 days to adult, with in...
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    This is getting SO OLD! Mitezilla!

    I used azamax as a root drench and spray still cut early cuz they wouldn’t die, just thinned out for a couple weeks and when I hung them, next day there was a mountain of mites on the cut stem I guess trying to go up but then thought.....HMMMM IM SMOKING AZAMAX I WONDER WHAT KINDA CANCER IT...
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    This is getting SO OLD! Mitezilla!

    Mix some suficant in ur spray. It lowers the surface tension of the water marking it flow into small areas or stick to the plant and bug better. Dawn or any soap will do this. I’m sure u have seen a bug or spider walk on water right??? Well not soapy water, they will sink! Spray a bug with soapy...
  6. B

    Leaf curl after last 3 feedings?

    Hi all I started a commercial medical marijuana grow about 2 months ago, I use same stuff I use on my personal grow but for the last 3 feedings they curl their leaves under. First time this happened I sledgehammered everything! And seemed to fix so gave a little boomerang and seem ok so fed a...
  7. B

    This is getting SO OLD! Mitezilla!

    Predator bugs!!! I live in the country and bugs not none to man and every other plant destroying bug found my greenhouse this year and only thing I could find that worked is spraying shit with soapy water (dawn dish soap) maybe mix a lil alcohol in with it and over populate the space with...
  8. B

    Curling up

    I’m looking on here for similar problem maybe, do they curl after feeding with lights on?
  9. B

    Tiny red and black beetles, good or bad?

    A regular ladybug would completely cover that whole cluster of eggs and bugs. That’s a tiny side leaf
  10. B

    Tiny red and black beetles, good or bad?

    im trying to stay ahead of any bug problem and have been spraying my plants with soapy water (dawn) and a water hose with tiny sharp streams of water to blast anything soap left behind and bugs off leaves. Was spraying some clones and seen something that looked like a tiny lady bug I just seen...
  11. B

    Light info overload-I want to build one

    I’m not trying to buy cheap stuff cuz I don’t want lights failing in middle of a grow. Money was an issue but an old friend is helping me with money for lighting up a 15’x17’ area. Was thinking about building out the lights for that area but I may not have time to do all that cuz I’m trying to...
  12. B

    Light info overload-I want to build one

    What r u 12? I read the reply and nowhere does it say I’m going to buy, don’t remember now but I have 50 windows open and comparing specs and prices. And I did c a listing with SAMSUNG PART #’s So what u r saying is SAMSUNG will not let individuals sell SAMSUMG products on eBay?? R u sure?? I...
  13. B

    Light info overload-I want to build one

    It won’t let me upload pic of the boards with part numbers but they’re on there. Would a hlg 480h 24a like u used in that link power all of those strips? Arrow and Digikey allout of stock or discontinued
  14. B

    Light info overload-I want to build one

    Hey thanks for all the info!! I’m going thru it still. Read link about strip leds so looked on ebay, only found 16” long 96 diode 40-45 watt each Samsung sun boards. I’m still going thru the other suggestions. I was thinking about a heat sink and wondered if I took a sheet of aluminum 1/8 inch...
  15. B

    Light info overload-I want to build one

    ok sorry if I’m in the wrong place but I’ve been reading so much about how to buy then things to know about building that my brain went on strike. I’m trying to come up with a way to spread out my grow foot print without spending more than several hundred $. Looked at all the cheapys on amazon...
  16. B

    Let's raise awareness about screw-in led bulbs! Budget friendly growlight

    I used the LED flood style grow light bulbs and regular round shape LED grow bulbs from Walmart with diffusers on, all blurple in color :) plus 2 blue bulbs (not sure if blues did anything) I think I had18 bulbs total in a 3’x18”x4’ tall box and they did pretty good on 4 vegging. Ended with 2...
  17. B

    1month old plants now what?

    Sorry I was giving them about 10ml twice a day of the liquid fert and sometimes water every couple of days. Now I have the sensi cal mag and figured out y Train Wreck was yellowing I’m adding the fox farms dirt and will switch to advanced nutrients or fox farms dirty dozen. Guy at a grow shop...
  18. B

    1month old plants now what?

    I feeding them general hydro grow A&B. I transplanted the 1 female into fox farms strawberry fields a while back. Friend got some mondo dirt so used a little on 2 golden goats and 2 blue haze and that seemed to work great! Still feed GH bloom tho. Yes they were hungry, my train wreck leaves...
  19. B

    1month old plants now what?

    Ok cool thank you!!
  20. B

    1month old plants now what?

    Thanks for the help everyone!!! Oh and is there any reason to let males grow like extracting? Gonna trash the clones but big ones leave resin on ur fingers when handling.