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  1. 7

    New grower needs help :(

    Well it’s been a week, here’s how the girls are doing since controlling my over watering issue. as you can see not a whole lot of vertical growth, but boy did they fill in. Hoping when I switch to flower I’ll get a little more height. The smaller girl hasn’t taken half the time to get where...
  2. 7

    New grower needs help :(

    thanks! Appreciate the feed back!
  3. 7

    Grow room to hot not sure what to do

    yeah I think that’s a little high bud, maybe someone can correct me who has more experience.
  4. 7

    New grower needs help :(

    Dumb question how moist should the soil be for seedlings? I get that he bigger plants like moist and dry cycles, but I keep reading that the seedlings should be damp (not wet)
  5. 7

    New grower needs help :(

    thanks joe, kinda thought I was when I tried to transplant. appreciate the feed back!
  6. 7

    Grow room to hot not sure what to do

    I was able to stabilize my temps by opening the window at night when it’s cooler and closing the window during the day. My room is insulated so it keeps it cool all day until about dusk, in which case I open the window again and get some cooler air in. mind you i did have to get a little space...
  7. 7

    New grower needs help :(

    I wouldn’t say good but thanks for the support! Go team go
  8. 7

    New grower needs help :(

    thanks again. I have more seeds coming so I’ll try the smaller pots when they arrive. I didn’t think they looked terrible but I sure you know the growing pains and Uncertaintyof the first time grower. I’ll keep you posted on how the girls do.
  9. 7

    New grower needs help :(

    Photos are as of yesterday the two bigger (and I use the term big very loosely) ones are about 3 -4 weeks old :(
  10. 7

    New grower needs help :(

    Thanks lime I didn’t tear the pellet open, the roots had already gone to the bottom of the cup and when I pulled it out by tipping the cup some of the soil stuck to the cup causing the tear
  11. 7

    New grower needs help :(

    Hey guys new grower here. Having problems with slow seedling growth and very little veg growth ( I see new leaves but it’s no where it should be ) I’m growing autos and from what I’ve seen I’m way behind on growth. my setup consists of a 2000w led full spectrum with humidity control between 40...